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Okay so my father was like "You need to be a big pickle now" I'm just like woah woah woah. Not sure If I can deal with the hole puberty talk. Like we. who wants to hear that like NASTY, Anyway he have me did fabulous bottle don't worry I'm not gay.....YET!!! Anyway. I poured it on my face cause who doesn't pour things on your face. Then all of a sudden boom there this furry thing on my face. I'm thinking its a squirrel but ya know Onpa would get jealous. And we don't want that now do we. We also don't fights unless your like a fighter. How much money does a fighter get? I like money. Money can buy happiness. My happiness is pancake with Cheerios on top.can forget the spaghetti under it though!!! Well let's move on- DOORKNOB. I wonder how those things are made. Why are they named doorknob? Why not thing that opens a door. Whyd they name doors door? I know why bed and Boob are spelled that way. They both look like what they are naming. Did I mention I'm the 1st pickle to have ADHD?!?! Well now you know!!! Where was I? Hm. I was-ehhh I forgot... Well. Hm. I need a bacon donut.

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