Alternate Ending-1

Start from the beginning

As soon as I heard the door open ring, a smile came over me as I thought that it was Edwin. I was disappointed. Incredibly disappointed to see Sirus.

"What is it Sirus?" I questioned tiredly, looking to the guards who were not meeting my gaze. Sirus looked awful. As if he did not sleep nor eat in a few days. His hair seemed to be getting out of control...and I wondered what was going on in his mind for him to look like this.

He was breathing harshly. His chest rising and falling in a quick manner that looked as if he was getting ready to shift. His eyes were a bloody red. I clutched at the sheets, not kmowing what to prepare myself for. "What do you want?!"

His steps were slow...meaningful. As his dead like eyes locked into my my eyes began to water. This was the end for me. He was going to kill me. I could tell from the look in his eyes. I would never be able to see Thorian grow up. Become a man. Never be able to see Edwin become the rightful king of our kingdom.

I would not beg for my life though. I would not beg in front of this man like I have been doing so for the past months...a year. I closed my eyes, holding my head held high as he approached our bed.

I waited for pain. Pain and a harsh impact...I let lose a sob when I felt something soft on my cheek. My eyes flew open and I stared at him in confusion.

It was his hand. His fingers were grazing the tears streaming down my face. "Wh-what are you doing?!" I cried out, pushing his hand away.

He was trembling. His entire massive body trembling with a unknown force driving behind it. "What, what is wrong with you?" He was terrifying me. My chest began to ache as I thought of why he was being...gentle. His hand reached out again and I slapped it away. "Tell me what is happening, dammit!"

Did Edwin hurt himself? Or Thorian. "You," was all he could muster up. His clawed hand raked over his face, drawing a bit of blood. "Why did you save me?" He questioned in confusion. I have never heard him sound like this before. I was not able to answer..because my body was still in shock that I was not being killed right now. "Tell me!"

The fear that I was feeling was slowly dissipating as it was replaced with something else entirely different. "You will not yell at me after I spared your life!" I spat as he just stared at me. His shaking lessening. "I-I do not know why I spared your life Sirus but do not let me regret it. We have a son now and I will not take you yelling at me any longer!"

I watched as he sunk to his knees. My body recoiling as he did so, confused at his actions...yet again. What was going on? I could not handle the many faces of Sirus! "She would have killed me..."

Her. He wanted to talk about her? I took a deep breath, praying to the lord to give me patience and strength. "Sirus look at me...look at me now." He slightly growled at me as I ordered him about, but he slowly turned his head to lock gazes with me.

"I am not that woman, I am not your first wife!" I yelled at him as my body began to shake.

"I am the wife that gave you a child!" My hands trembled so awfully. I wanted to hit him. I wanted to give him a moment of pain...because he made me feel so much more than just a moment.

"I am the wife that saved your life! I am not her, Sirus!" I began to sob as I had to put a hand over my face. My entire being was crumpling.

I was so tired of this. Tired of the back and forth. I had no choice because he would not change. He would not let me leave. He would not change, what could I possibly do to save my sanity?!


His hand was nearing my body and I slapped it away. "Do not touch me, Sirus!" I cried out, fighting his hand that wanted to grab me physically to try to reach me emotionally. "I do not know what you want!" I whimpered, my nose and eyes both flowing. "You want my submission but you give me nothing in return! I cannot do this anymore will be the death of me."

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