DAGLI 7: "First Day of School"

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"First Day of School"

It was a rainy morning when I wake up. Something in my mind tells me that this day is something special but I forget about it, I don't know what it is. When I take a glance on my wrist watch the time tells me it's 5:13 o'clock in the morning and suddenly, a very cool breeze enter my room and it smells like an alcohol- a sanitizing alcohol? I take a glance on my wrist watch again, still 5:13 am. I was puzzled why the time doesn't move, realizing that it's arms are not moving and the next thing happens shocked me most.

I saw someone staring at me behind my windowpane. He's covered with blood, wearing his crumpled uniform and his dirty black backpack with a faceless I.D. I squeezed my eyes for a moment and pinch my cheeks just to make sure if this is just a dream. When I open my eyes once again, he is still there. I am stoned, astonished and frightened. I can't move a muscle. I can't close my eyes to escape from this nightmare. And he started to walk or should I say float towards me.

"Wake up!" Someone shouted on me that brought me back to reality, it's Mom. Thank God! It's just another nightmare.

I realized that this day is the first day of school! So I packed my things up after I finished everything. I brought my umbrella just to be prepared in case it will rain.

I'm on way to school bringing nothing. I forgot my bag and the books, notebooks, pen and eraser are in it. But I didn't bother to go back and get it. Instead, I continue walking to school.

I arrived late. Within a blink of an eye, I saw someone wearing a bracelet--- similar to the boy in my dreams. He turned and face me. Same face... Same attire... I hold my breath until everything went black.

The end.

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