Character Info: Sasha Liliana Jackson

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Born: 20 November, 1972, Alice Springs NT, Ireland.
Lives: London, Dingle. Occasionally at Hogwarts.
Blood Type: Half-blood.
Nationality: English.
Nicknames: Dawnsky (as a Eagle). Twilight (as a wolf). Silver Tongue. Pip (by Jacob). Curse-Breaker (by Skye). Asha (by Fleur Delacour and Harry Potter).
Titles: Lady of the Forest. Master of Life. Leader of the Circle of Khanna. Heroine of Hogwarts. Curse-Breaker. Breaker of Records (by Orion Amari). Helpful elf (by Bilton Bilmes). The Clobberer of Curses (by Bill Weasley). The Pulverizer of Polar Platemail (by Bill Weasley).
Lito Phoenix (paternal ancestor).
Friedrich Floralba of Blarney (maternal ancestor).
Godric Gryffindor (paternal ancestor).
Rania Ravenclaw (maternal ancestor).
Mike Jackson (father).
Anya Jackson (mother).
Jacob Jameson Jackson (older brother).
Nicholas di Angelo (adoptive brother).
Mary Jackson (paternal grandmother).
Carlos Floralba (maternal uncle).
Jessica Floralba (maternal aunt).
Ivana Floralba (maternal cousin).
Victoria Floralba (maternal cousin).
Josh Jackson (paternal uncle).
Meghan Jackson (paternal aunt).
Chase Jackson (paternal cousin).
Ila Rose Jackson (paternal cousin).
Species: Human (Wolfwalker).
Abilities: Magic abilities, tracking, archery, flying.
Weapons: Bow and arrows, wand.
Wand(s): 11¼, Blackthorn, unicorn hair.
11 1/4, Ebony, dragon heartstring core.
12, Laurel, Phoenix feather.
Possessions: Comet 260: Sasha owns a model of this particular racing broomstick, which was a gift from Skye.
Satchel: A magical suitcase enchanted with an Undetectable Extension Charm in which she held a number of beasts while she travelled. She could hide the contents from Muggles by flipping a switch on the case. The suitcase contains its own world with many different habitats for each creature.
Passport: Sasha possesses a Muggle passport during her worldwide travels, which she used to disguise herself as one to the Muggle authorities when passing international border controls.
Patronus: Tigress.
Animagus: Peregrine Falcon. (Registered).
Occupation: Master of Life. Head Girl. Perfect. Curse-Breaker for Gringotts Bank. Circle of Khanna.
House: Ravenclaw.
Jackson Family. Floralba Family.
Order of the Phoenix. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Potter Family.
British Ministry of Magic; Auror Department.
Gringotts Wizarding Bank.
Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Leader of the Circle of Khanna.
Sphinx Club. Dragon Club. Hippogriff Club.
She looks a lot like her father than her mother.
Sasha is slender and graceful, but strong and not at all weak. She has long and wavy golden-blonde hair reaching down to her shoulders. Her skin is lightly golden tanned, but on her left arm are pale remnants of scars from a unknown Wolfwalker. Her eyes are almond-shaped and stunningly turquoise, crossing between the color of the sky and the sea with a bright sparkle. She inherited an Irish nose and her lips are pink. She always wears a necklace, with a sparkly Chinese golden dragon with a silver star attached to the charm.

In the future, Sasha wears dark blue pants, a light tan tunic, brown leather boots, a soft wool cloak dyed in the color in blue of a stormy sky, and she keeps her golden dragon and silver star charm necklace. She also wore two earrings on her right ear, fashioned from shedded dragon scales. The smaller earring was blue, while the other one was green.

As a wolf, she keeps her turquoise eyes, but is nine feet in length and has silvery-gray fur with silvery star-shaped freckles around her eyes. She's both slender and slightly muscular than other wolves.
As a peregrine falcon, she has her turquoise eyes, but has beige-colored feathers with brown freckles on her breast.
At first, she was shy, quiet, independent, stubborn, and was quick to get away from others from people that she barely recognizes. She used to snap at them to keep their distance from her, fearful that they might accidentally become Wolfwalkers or "cursed" from her doing. Her ability to read minds and foresee the future are another reason why she found it so difficult to communicate with others. She suffered from social anxiety and was easily scared by loud and hectic situations. But as she begins to open up, she soon showed her true colors: Sasha is heroic, honorable, noble, protective, sarcastic, rebellious, mischievous, headstrong, and often baffles people with her sharp tongue and fierce nature. But deep down, she is a witty, wise, sweet, caring, and loving girl. She likes to keep busy and she is a multitasker. She, for the most part, is very responsible and mature. She isn't afraid of standing up to bullies and can show her empathy to those who hadn't showed her respect. She's also tolerant and levelheaded when she's in the place of leadership or being a mentor. She is very intelligent about animals and magic. Despite having suffered a great deal of prejudice in her life due to her Wolfwalker magic and her brother's past actions, she managed to retain an ability to see the good in almost everybody and is extremely forgiving. Sasha is also single-minded and stubborn as much as she is caring and kind. Sasha is unusually perceptive, with an uncanny ability to guess the thoughts of those around her. Her perceptive nature is a rather ironic trait, given that wolves are rather intuitive and astute judges of character and communicate primarily through body language, a skill that Sasha was extremely developed and talented at. But she usually feels like an outcast because of her being a wolfwalker, which helped her strike a friendship with many friends.
She was born November 20, 1972, Carlingford, Ireland to Mike and Anya Jackson (née Floralba), two Curse-Breakers/Aurors members of the original Order of the Phoenix at the height of the First Wizarding War. When Sasha was born, Anya held a christening; it was quiet and secretive, with only James and Lily Potter, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Molly and Arthur Weasley, and Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood in attendance. They had named Lily Potter as Sasha's godmother, Remus Lupin as Sasha's godfather, and Severus Snape as the family's Secret Keeper. Which leads Sasha into having faint memories of her godmother, godfather, and Secret Keeper.
But when Sasha was five, she had been bitten by an intruding Wolfwalker and had became a Wolfwalker herself. She told her family and had been able to practice her Wolfwalker powers over time, she soon became very happy of her new powers. Though, she and her family all moved to the countryside of London from the Wolfwalker Hunters.
She and her family lived in close proximity to Muggle dwellings, but Sasha showed little knowledge of Muggle life as an adolescent and she had limited interaction with her neighbors, due to being different and her brother's departure.
When she were six or seven years old, Sasha and Jacob pretended to duel with Liquorice Wands. At one point, Jacob convinced her to steal Sickles from their mother's coat pockets.
During her childhood, their parents worked together to teach Jacob and Sasha that they could not go around flaunting their magic. In particular, their mother was strict about the use of magic outside of school, refusing both of her children to ride a broomstick before they began attending school.
Sasha performed wandless magic when she was young, shattering one of their mother's tea sets when she sneezed. Their mother thought Jacob had done it until Sasha repeated the feat with a vase a few weeks later when Jacob was at school. On another occasion, Sasha had been able to grow a few flowers back to life and befriended some animals, which their mother was pretty pleased with.
Jacob began attending Hogwarts during their childhood. Tragedy struck the family when Sasha and her parents received an owl from Professor Albus Dumbledore, informing them that Jacob had been expelled for endangering his fellow students in his attempt to prove that the fabled Cursed Vaults really existed.
But when Jacob had disappeared, Sasha had been spending more and more time in the forest to ease her grief and had befriended all of the magical critters there. A lot of kids her age considered her an outcast and a freak, which made Sasha visit the forest more frequently.
When Sasha was in the depths of the forest, she had came across a upset little boy named Harry Potter. Sasha showed him the beauty of the forest and its magic, exchanged stories with him, and protected him from harm's way.
Her parents had trained Sasha to become a Curse-Breaker to help her reseal the Cursed Vaults, break the curses, and finding Jacob. Sasha had sworn to find her older brother and break the curses of the Cursed Vaults if she gets accepted to Hogwarts or not.
Transformation: Being a Wolfwalker after a Wolfwalker who had bit when she was little, Sasha can squeeze her soul out of her body and transform her into a wolf while she sleeps. If she is injured in her wolf form, her human will suffer the same injury.
Agility: Having lived her life in the nature preserve, Sasha is more agile than average in her human form and much more in her wolf form.
Speed: Already fast to normal, Sasha can run at greater speed in her wolf form and jumped across a cliff in one jump.
Wolf Physiology: Sasha can use all of the traits that a normal wolf would have, such as enhanced strength, senses, speed, agility, the ability to survive cold temperatures, the innate predatory instincts, and adapting to her environment, although at a much higher level and all of her human abilities along with it.
Increased Smell and Hearing: In her wolf form, Sasha can hear and smell scent much better than normal wolves. Her hearing is also superior, being able to hear noises and vibrations at several meters around her.
Enhanced Physiology: As a wolf, Sasha is easily stronger than her human counterpart and can run faster and higher. She also has sharp claws and fangs.
Magic: Sasha can use Wolfwalker magic to heal wounds and command some form of nature. If she bites someone, she will turn them into Wolfwalkers.
Telepathy: Only works within the pack, and when in wolf form. Sasha can speak with other members of her pack telepathically and hear their thoughts. Though this is more than useful while hunting and tracking, there isn't much privacy left in the pack because of this ability.
Wolf Stare: During her training with her dad, Sasha mastered the "Wolf Stare" that says "No matter how bad you think you are, I'm worse," which is so intimidating it allows her to scare off gangsters and can intimidated her enemies.
Animal Authority: Diana has divine authority over wild animals, mainly wolves and other canines.
Zoolingualism: She can communicate with all sorts of wild animals through body language.
Magical aptitude: An academically strong student, Sasha quickly achieved such good results in her schoolwork that she received praise from most of their teachers, with Albus Dumbledore, arguably the greatest wizard of all time, openly acknowledging her magical prowess to be exemplary. Her demonstrated tremendous ability and proved a cleverer student than most of her classmates, quickly mastering and becoming the best in most of the fields of magic taught at Hogwarts.
Love: Sasha loves her older brother unconditionally, being devastated and disappointed when he went missing from home and shedding tears over his sudden disappearance. She had shown a deep love towards her friends as well as her family.
Potions: Sasha is superbly talented in potion-making, she's able to advance to the N.E.W.T.-level Potions class taught by Severus Snape, thus displaying her great proficiency for potion-making.
Flying: Sasha's flying skills were exceptional, beyond the array of aerial manoeuvres taught in Flying Class. Sasha played the position of Chaser on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, indicating that she was a very skilled broomstick flyer and Quidditch player. She also understood that good Quidditch teams could been ruined due to Captains letting in their friends or playing the old faces, and wanted Skye to not fall into that, showing her very strong dedication to success in this field. Despite this she was able to secure her spot on the team, proving that she was indeed a highly skilled flyer and Chaser/Keeper.
Transfiguration: Sasha was remarkably skilful in Human Transfiguration that she was able to become an Animagus. She was also a high academic achiever in Transfiguration, showing her proficiency in this highly complex, scientific and even dangerous branch of magic.
Herbology: By Sasha's own admission, one of her favorite classes was Herbology. She's knowledgeable in various types of magical plant.
Healing magic: Sasha knows advanced healing spells without getting any training or using herbs, including out in the field.
History of Magic: Sasha is very skilled in History of Magic, since her father had taught her the history of magic.
Dark Arts: Though seldom a practitioner of the Dark Arts, Sasha was nonetheless surprisingly adept in its usage.
Alchemy: Sasha had considerable skill in Alchemy, a particularly esoteric and complex branch of magic.
Wandless and nonverbal magic: Sasha is apparently quite capable in casting nonverbal spells all without uttering a word.
Legilimency: Sasha was a natural-born and powerful Legilimen, like her brother Jacob, thus giving her the magical ability to read and navigate the minds of others.
Occlumency: Sasha has the unerring ability to conceal her thoughts and feelings from external penetration proved to be crucial for her. She had unconsciously used Occlumency to protect herself from other Legilimen.
Spell creation: Sasha has the ability to make new spells without trying to, including a very high level of difficulty of creating new spells.
Curse-Breaker: Like her parents, Sasha is a gifted and skilled curse-breaker with her intelligence and resourcefulness. Sasha always dreamt of becoming a famous Curse-Breaker, a wizarding explorer who breaks ancient curses.
Auror skills: Sasha was extremely young for an Auror, which spoke highly of her magical abilities. Sasha also possessed a great instinct for the right thing to do, especially when faced with stressful and difficult situations. This instinct contributed to her becoming a fantastic Auror.
Divination: Sasha was a natural-born Seer, meaning she could receive genuine visions of the future and past with her Inner Eye.
Astronomy: Sasha is skilled in Astronomy, she and her parents loved to stargaze together before going to bed.
Singing: While Sasha's family had always told her that she had a good singing voice, she was too shy about ever singing in front of anyone, not even participating in sing-alongs or choirs. But over time, she began to sing along after she gained the courage to do.
Leadership skills: Sasha was shown to be a very accomplished and talented leader, productively coordinating the group's efforts and inspiring fierce loyalty from them all.
Indomitable willpower: The will of Sasha was extremely strong, and while not above self-doubt, she have never been known to give up on anything or anyone.
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Sasha learned how to cast numerous defensive and offensive spells under the instructions of her parents and teachers.
Dueling: Despite her young age, Sasha was a very competent duelist.
Charms: Sasha learned how to conjure a corporeal Patronus in the form of a wolf (or any animal she wishes), which is an incredibly advanced, powerful and protective charm, as well as a mark of superior magical ability and talent, showing her proficiency for charm-work. She could also cast simple charms such as the Locking Spell, Reductor Curse, Stunning Spell, Levitation Charm, Revelio Charm, General Counter-Spell and Wand-Lighting Charm successfully without difficulty.
Nonverbal magic: Sasha wordlessly stunned the Death Eater Rakepick with the Stunning Spell, while inside the Forbidden Forest. The fact that she could effectively cast it nonverbally is a testament of sorts to her skill, since non-verbal magic is highly difficult, N.E.W.T.-level magic.
Care of Magical Creatures: She may have studied this subject before she gotten to Hogwarts. She discovered and classified many species that had never been encountered before. She was also shown to be very skilled at handling various magical creatures showing her proficiency in Magizoology.
Study of Ancient Runes: Sasha was able to read that issue's segment written in Ancient runes upside down, heavily implying she was able to understand and translate such runes. This also implies that she may have studied the subject at Hogwarts.
Old Religion: Sasha was unaware that she was descended from the druids and born into the Old Religion. She sometimes spoke in Old English and produce a gold iris color. Sasha had subconsciously knew that Balance is the key principle of the Old Religion; in order for something to be created, something else must usually be destroyed.
Dragonlady Magic: It is based around a deep and potent bond between Sasha and a Dragon that ties them together. In this way, Sasha may be able to call forth an unborn Dragon from its egg. She can also speak in Homeric Greek. She's able to talk to and control Dragons.

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