Chapter Six: Befriending A Phoenix

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Sasha was helping Professor Kettleburn with his hippogriff lesson during her free period, both Talbot and Penny had both decided to help out. Most people doesn't see it, but Sasha could see that Talbot was still shaken up from his boggart incident and was trying to stay outside of the castle.
They had all arrived to a small forested area to come to a secluded waterfall and Sasha can hear the most beautiful, soothing birdsong in her life, but there were many of them, all trilling and chirping happily.
"Everyone, today we will be studying phoenixes. They are sentient, so don't insult them. Let them come to you as well, they are very picky of who they work with." Sasha saw the beautifully radiant colored birds — the birds varied in different colors and there were over dozens of them — either roosting in their nests or were setting a peacock-like example for the third years.
"I don't think any of the phoenixes want to cooperate," Penny whispered to Sasha's ear. "Unless, it means showing off their feathers."
Sasha shrugged. So, what if the phoenixes are picky about helping students? Phoenixes are probably good judges of character and they won't cooperate unless their truest selves had been shown.
"Umm... Sasha, one of the phoenixes is staring at you funny," whispered Talbot, sounding surprisingly nervous.
"Really?" Sasha helped place a baby phoenix back into his nest before sliding gracefully down the tree and got back to the ground. "Which one?"
"Behind you." Sasha frowned at Talbot's nervous response and carefully turned around to see a gorgeously beautiful golden phoenix with stunningly amber eyes, like the dawning sky.
The phoenix lifted off the ground where it was sitting and flapped over to Sasha and landed on her shoulder, making her slightly flinched as she felt the rather sharp talons, but found they did not dig in deep as she thought. The phoenix then pecked at her head and she looked into the bird's eyes. Almost at once, Sasha knew the phoenix was a girl and her name is Philomena. She began to trill a beautiful song that spoke of hope and belonging, love and care. The group closed their eyes as they listened to the beautiful song. As the song built, Philomena spread her wings and phoenix fire surrounded Sasha and her. Sasha felt like she was surrounded by love and hope.
Sasha and Philomena remained connected by flames for several minutes while the bond completed. Once the bond was complete the flames withdrew into Philomena as she tucked her wings against her body and finished her song.
Soon, Philomena trilled a gentle note and nuzzled Sasha's head and he felt a connection between her magic and the Philomena's magic and realized the bird had become her familiar or companion. She gazed in wonder at the bird with a smile on her face, she reached up and gently stroked her front plumage getting the distinct impression she was female and Professor Kettleburn clapped lightly drawing everyone's attention.
"Well done Sasha, she has chosen you as her bonded partner, she will be with you till the day you die." At that, Sasha looked back at Philomena and she nodded her head at her and nuzzled her again as Sasha kept petting her. Sasha blushed as she realized that everyone, including Talbot and Penny, were all watching her with agape expressions.
Professor Kettleburn had noticed this and had started gaining everyone's attention by telling them important facts about phoenixes and their bonded partners and told them a legendary story about Rania Ravenclaw and her phoenix, who was also named Philomena.
Once a upon a time, Rania Ravenclaw was a intelligent and courageous young lady, she was taught by her grandaunt at Hogwarts during the early years. After Helena's death, a terrible curse had came upon the castle. The curse had placed a early form of the Fiendfyre, a few had managed to get away from the castle in the nick of time. Rania was one of the few who had managed to escape, but she wanted to save her comrades who were left behind within the confusion. So, Rania ran back into the castle and started rescuing her friends and comrades. But, when she wanted to get out of the castle, her exit was blocked by the Fiendfyre. Rania was forced to climbed up the tower — now known as the Observation Tower — in a desperate attempt of escaping the Fiendfyre, she soon realized where the cursed fire was coming from. A huge, monstrous serpent was breathing fire all over the place and making things catch ablaze. Rania had pulled out her beloved's blade and started a horrific battle with the serpent. But when Rania was on death's door after getting bitten by the snake from injuring it, a small chick that she had raised as a child had became ablaze with fire and life. The phoenix had healed Rania with its tears and the phoenix had battled alongside Rania against the serpent. Rania soon gave the serpent the final deathblow and the Fiendfyre had disappeared from Hogwarts. The phoenix soon flown around the castle and fixing the damages that the serpent had done. In the end, Rania and her phoenix had both bonded as partners, even when they both travelled the world together. There was another story that involves Godric Gryffindor, but that was a story for another time.
"Okay, your homework is to summarize your phoenixes that you had learnt today," said Professor Kettleburn, much to Sasha's relief from getting the unwanted attention off of her. "Homework is due later than this Friday."
As the third years had gotten to work on their homework, Sasha had started stroking Philomena's feathers and the firebird had started cooing softly with the enjoyment of getting her feathers stroked.
"I never been so relief to finally find one of my last mistress's descendants." Sasha heard a rich feminine and musical voice in her head. But as she looked around, nobody was looking at her and was focusing on their task.
As Sasha turned to look at Philomena, the phoenix seemed to be smiling at her, because her amber eyes sparkled in the light. Sasha strayed away from the other students and sat down in the shade of a tree. She looked at the phoenix, Sasha felt both slightly flustered and hopeful as she met her new friend's eyes.
"You can... You can talk to me?" Sasha whispered to Philomena.
Philomena nodded and very softly, Sasha heard, "Yes. I can speak to you. Only a phoenix can speak to his or her bonded partner in telepathy that only their partner can here."
Sasha decided to try out the telepathy with Philomena, "Really? That's amazing!"
Philomena sang softly, the feeling of her song is felt with amusement, before she said, "Well done my darling. You are quite the fast learner."
"Thanks Philomena," said Sasha. "Maybe you could tell me more about you phoenixes."
"Good idea my chick." Philomena nodded her agreement. "What do you want to know?"
"Where do phoenixes come from?" asked Sasha.
"Some believe we come from ancient Egypt," Philomena said. "There we were called the 'Benu Benu'. Others believe we are from ancient Arabia. The Chinese call us the Feng Huang while the Japanese call the males Hou-Ou and the females the Hou-Oo. At one time, there were a great number of us in all of those countries, but over time, they have gone on to their final reward."
"How many are there now?"
"When last I was aware there are only about a thousand or so left in the world."
"Where are they now?"
"They have established a colony in Arabia at Heliopolis. It is safer for them."
"Will you explain the life cycle of the phoenix?"
"Contrary to the beliefs of wizards, there are male and female phoenix and we are hatched just as other birds. We are nourished as are other young until we reach maturity. We are then led from the nest and sent out on our own. During the time we are maturing, we are taught the ways of the phoenix. How we can help, or not, those we feel deserve our help. Since so few of us are seen on a regular basis, much of our life cycle is just guesses. Some think we are reborn every 500 years or more. As you had seen me on a burn day as have other wizards here, you can see this is also a tale. Our rebirth cycle depends on how much of our life force we use over a period of time. My nest mates have been known to go a very long time before they are reborn as they live undisturbed. Since I have been with humans, I've gone through seven rebirths."
"Since birds have different varieties of species, do phoenix have them as well?"
"Why don't we know more about the others?"
"They died out long before humans were hatched. I am what's known as a fire phoenix. The others were air, water and earth, just as the four elements of magic."
"How did you come to be at Hogwarts?"
"Ah now that is a tale worthy of your time. I once met a witch of great honor by the name of Rania Ravenclaw. She was brave and wise, but also knowledgeable in the ways of wizards. At the time the first wardstone was laid, a great magical force was created drawing me to this place and to Lady Ravenclaw. But unfortunately, a terrible incident had happened and I had been separated from your family for many years. I had stayed here throughout those years, till I had met you my hatchling."
"I'm really related to her?" Sasha's eyes were wide with amazement.
"And Godric Gryffindor is your other ancestors as well as the Potter family." Philomena seemed to be amused at Sasha's flustered expression. "So, are most of your questions answered?"
"Yes, thank you Philomena." Sasha gently stroked Philomena's feathers.
"You are most welcome," said Philomena before she started cooing from her touch.
After the class was done, everybody was amazed to see Philomena on Sasha's shoulder. Sasha had introduced the phoenix to both Hamish and Elsa, the three familiars had gotten along just finally. Though, Elsa tends to play with Philomena's long feathers sometimes. Many students had lined up in the hallways and corridors to gawk at her and Philomena, which can be quite annoying. Philomena only joined Sasha and her friends during meals or free time.

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