"What is this?"

"Don't worry, I'm just writing down your condition"

"My condition?"

"Yeah. Anyways, do you remember what happened to you?"












This voice. Why does it keep coming back? The pain is coming back as well....

"Stop asking me these weird questions, I don't remember anything?!"

This pain.

It's taking over me.

These words.

Are controlling me.

"Wow, I think you should calm down, your face is turning pale"


The person was staring at me with a known expression.

"It's time. Calling for assistance"

"Sir, I'm not sure her current state is ready for it"



"Inject her"










Everything was black for a second. It felt like hours had passed. The pain had slowly spilled out of my head. I could finally open my eyes again.


My surroundings had changed.

I was lying on the ground.

The handcuffs were broken.

The person that I saw earlier.....

was lying dead in front of me.

My eyes caught other people behind him.

They were dead too.

My heart started beating faster and faster.

I looked down at my hands.

They were covered in blood.

The pain started crawling inside me again, leaving various marks inside my head. It was screaming to get out. My bloody hands reached for my head and grabbed my hair tightly as I was trying to endure the pain.


"Why is all this happening to me?"

Why do I have to suffer like this?

I don't even know why I'm here.

Suddenly a deep unknown voice could be heard above me.

"I'm sorry"

"There's no way out"

"Who are you?!"

I forcefully stood up with my weak legs. I panickedly looked in every direction but saw no one.

"Yoo Jeongyeon"

My heart skipped a beat as I heard my name. I stayed silent.

"How long do you think you've stayed here?"

"I don't know, probably a few hours. Where are you going with this?!"

A moment of dead silence passed.

"If you think you've been here for only a couple of hours; you're wrong"


"It's been years Jeongyeon. You've been trapped inside for years"

My body froze in its place.

"No, this doesn't make sense......WHAT ABOUT THESE DEAD PEOPLE IN FRONT OF ME?!"

I could literally hear my own breath get heavier.

"These people? You killed them today Jeongyeon. Aren't you happy that you got your revenge on them for trapping you here for years?"








I looked horrified at my shaky hands.


The pain wouldn't let go of me.

I'm too weak to fight against it.

Why even bother trying.


Something sharp pierced inside my back, making me scream in intense pain. I fell on my knees.

Green liquid was flowing out of the sharp thing. I feel like I've seen this thing before.

This thing I saw years ago...

The injection.

My eyes became heavy.

I had no more strength to fight back.

I was starting to fade away.

Far far away.

I only remember hearing the voice whisper to me before I got blinded to this world.

"You're not trapped here"

"You're trapped inside yourself"

"It's too late"

~To be continued~


I know this shit is confusing, but I love confusing y'all👀

Watch my wig get snatched when Twice be droppin that teaser for this comeback.

Sorry if there are any grammatical errors.

Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter :3

Cya all in the next chapter, bye ;)

Joyful suffering - Yoo JeongyeonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora