[ Chapter 4 ] - Good Morning

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As I reached downstairs, I saw Edward was leaning at the rail in the balcony talking to his phone with a wide smile plastered on his face. He must be talking to Amanda.

Oh my goodness. What does it take for me to have him to smile that wide for me..

He seemed to not notice my presence in the living room; so I took that as my cue to leave and headed straight to the kitchen to prepare some dinner since my stubborn stomache won't stop growling.


"And done!" I said to myself as I placed a bowl of lasagna on the countertop. A while ago I was searching for some food in the refridgerator, but then I saw a frozen lasagna and finally decided to heat that up. Since I was kind of tired from unpacking my stuffs this evening.

The moment I bent down to take the plates from the lower cabinet, I felt a presence from behind me.

"What are you doing?"

Edward's deep voice startled meㅡ  made me almost drop the plates that I was holding.

At the drop of a hat, I got up and turned my body around; only to find Edward was staring down at me deep into my soul.

"Err.. I was..just.. grab some plates here. Oh! And I've prepared dinner for us." I moved away from him and walked over to the countertop to place the plates over it.

Edward seemed to finally notice the lasagna and made his way to where I was standing as well.

"Have a seat."

"This is my house, bitch! You have no rights to order me what to do, what not  to do! You don't own me!!" He spat suddenly.

My body flinched a bit by his sudden temper. I then decided to just nod in response and not to utter a single word or else he would be even pissed than he already had with me.

"By the way you could have this all by yourself. I promised Amanda to take her out for a dinner tonight." He said while walking out from the kitchen to grab his phone and car keys on the coffee table in the living roomㅡ before I heard the front door being slammed as he went out of the appartment; leaving me there all alone.

I let out a heavy sigh as dissapointment washed over me. Taking a seat; I took the plate and started to dig inㅡ alone.


The sunlight shone straight into my roomㅡ and the birds outside were chirping happily early in the morning. I woke up by the sound that came from downstairs. And as in cue my alarm clock went off; letting me know it's already 6.30 a.m..

I got up from the bed and went straight to the bathroom to get ready for school.

After I've done getting myself ready, I headed downstairs ㅡ and to my surpriseㅡ Edward was there in the kitchen flipping the pancakes.

I put down my books and my backpack on the couch in the living room before heading to the kitchen.

"Good morning.." I greeted him carefully.

He turned his head to me and nodded a little without saying a word, before he turned back to the pancakes in the pan.

I took a seat at one of the stools at the  countertop before dragging the strawberry jam closer to me. I twisted the top open and took a scoop of it to spread it on my piece of bread.

Edward came back to the counter and placed a plate full with pancakes infront of me. I then noticed he remained standing thereㅡ not taking his seat. I looked up from my food to look at him; only to see his brows furrowed in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There's a jar of peanut butter there" he pointed to the peanut butter jar right at the end of my right elbow with his spatula "yet here you are spreading the strawberry jam on your bread."

I averted my gaze from his confused face back to the bread in my palm.

"Okay..then?" I asked him carefully.

"Why do you have to be so stupid?" I heard him muttered.


"Why do you choose the jam instead of peanut butter? I mean..who in the world doesn't love peanut butter?!" He explained as he took his seat.

"I never said I don't like them. I can't  eat them. I'm badly allergic to peanuts." I said while folding my bread into two and took a bite with my eyes glued to his.

His reaction changed as the fact started to process in his brain.

"Oh.. okay then. Hurry up! Or we'll be running late. I have 30 minutes before Chemistry." He said before shoving half of his pancake into his mouth and rushed to the living room to grab his car keys.

"Wait what about these pancakes?!" I yelled.

"Margaret will tidy those up later don't worry. Can you please hurry the fuck up?!!" He said with annoyance clearly laced in his husky voice.

"Okay, okay.. I'm coming." I muttered as I made my way towards the front door.



what's the point of making a lot of it if you just wanna have only one?!

* triggered *

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TaeMelon 🍉

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