I only make it for special people

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The next morning, Emily woke up still a bit in shock. Alison Dilaurentis had kissed her? She'd only known this girl for about a week now and she was kissing her? Alison wasn't laying next to Emily and she wasn't anywhere else in the room either. Aria, Hanna and Spencer were all still asleep.

"Alison?" called Emily, trying not to wake the girls. Alison walked into the bedroom in a tank top and hot pants.

"Yeah?" she replied "I just went to talk to my mom" Alison sat down next to Emily on the bed and was talking as if nothing ever happened.

"N-nothing" Emily spluttered. "So Alison, tell me about you first kiss" Alison tilted her head and stuck her bottom lip forwards.

"I can't really remember" she finally said "I think I was about eleven...a friend of the families...I don't know. Want some hot chocolate?" Emily nodded her head as Alison grabbed her by the hand and took her downstairs. When they got to the bottom of the stairs, Alison walked over to the kitchen counter and Emily sat on the worktop.

"So your a swimmer?" began Alison

"Yeah. I used to be in the team in my old school but this school already has a team so..."

"No problem, hon. I can get you on the team just like that" she snapped her fingers together.

"Y-you can? H-how?"

"Let's just say, I know things about the coach that could get her kicked out of Rosewood quicker than she can say the words herself"

"S-so you can really get me on the Rosewood swim team?"

"Of course I can, if that's what you really want"

"Y-yes please"

Alison walked over to her and handed her a cup of steaming hot chocolate.

"Quick" she whispered "Drink up before the other girls wake up"

"So your not going to make any for them?"

"I only make it for special people"

Emily blushed slightly

"You think I'm special?" she asked. Alison nodded.

"Mm hmm. Just promise me one thing. When you make it onto the swim team, you will let me swim with you one day."

"I promise"
"Pinky promise?"

Alison stuck out her pinky finger out and Emily wrapped hers around it.

"Pinky promise"

Suddenly they heard laughing coming from upstairs. Emily quickly downed her hot chocolate and ran back upstairs with Alison.

"What's so funny guys?" asked Alison as she and Emily went and sat back down on her bed.

"Oh nothing" giggled Aria "Hanna just told us about her first kiss and it's hilarious" Spencer and Aria exploded into heaps of laughter.

"Go on then Hanna. Tell us" laughed Emily.

"Well" began Hanna, blushing "I was on vacation and I was going back up to my room when..." Emily couldn't focus on Hanna's story. She was too busy looking at Alison who was biting her lip and staring directly at her. When Emily started looking at Alison, Alison winked at her.

"...and then he just ran off!" finished Hanna. Spencer and Aria exploded into laughter and Alison and Emily stiffed a fake laugh.

"So what about your first kiss Aria?" asked Hanna. Aria blushed a little.

"Oh well that's a long story" she said shyly

"Who was it with?" asked Spencer eagerly

"Holden Strauss" she whispered. Spencer's mouth fell open.

"Holden Strauss? As in Holden Strauss?" she gawped


"I'm confused" laughed Emily "Who is Holden Strauss?"

"Oh nobody" said Spencer sarcastically "Just this really cute boy in our year that Aria has known since Pre School. So tell us Aria, how did this happen?"


Emily again couldn't focus on Aria's story because Alison was slowly slipping her finger's in between Emily's. Emily looked down at her hand and their fingers were laced.

"...and then he kissed me!" Spencer and Hanna burst into laughter.

'I don't know what this is' Emily thought 'But I like it'

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