If you would like my number

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So guys" started Alison as the girls sat down on their usual table the next day (Emily included)

"I was thinking maybe at the weekend we could go see a movie together?"

"Sure Ali" said Aria, shrugging her shoulders

"Yeah that'd be good" smiled Spencer

"Yeah whatever" mumbled Hanna, taking a slurp of her orange juice.

"Emily? You in?" asked Alison, starring at Emily.

"Are you sure you want me to come with you?" she said nervously.

"Yeah Emily it'll be fun" said Aria politely patting Emily on the shoulder.

"Okay the. I guess I'm coming"
"Great" said Ali. Her and Emily made awkward eye contact for a while and smiling at each other.

"Soo Emily" giggled Hanna "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No..I-I don't" said Emily, still staring at Alison "But one boy talked to me yesterday and it looked like he was into me..."

"Ooooh who was it then?"

"H-his name was Ben I think"

"Ben Coogan? Sean Ackard's really cute friend with the wavy black hair and the huge smiling grin and the..."

"That's enough Han" snapped Alison "So Em. Do you like Ben Coogan?"

"I-I haven't decided yet...I've only known him for a day"
"Well do you think he's cute?" cooed Spencer.

"I-I don't know. Kind of" she said, shyly smiling
"Ooooh" teased Hanna Spencer and Aria

"So, do you have his number yet?" asked Aria

"No, not yet. I didn't really talk to him for long enough"

"Well go talk to him" teased Spencer "He's right over there. I'll go with you if you want"

"Yeah come on let's talk to him" Spencer and Emily got up the table and Spencer grabbed Emily's arm. As they ran over to where Ben Coogan, Alison winked at Emily and Emily blushed a little. Before Emily knew it, she was at Ben's table.

"Uhm...Ben" she stammered, Spencer frantically giggling behind her. Ben turned around and stood up quickly.

"Oh hey there. Emily Fields, right?" he said, grinning.

"Yeah...that's me. So I was wondering if..."

"If what?"

"If you would like my number"

Ben paused for a while. His friends behind him wolf whistled.

"Yeah sure" he said "Here, I'll give you mine" he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and scribbled a phone number down on it.

"Hit me up" he smiled, grabbing his bags and heading out the door with his friends. Once he left, Spencer started giggling again.

"He likes you" she said, walking back over to their table.

"Sooo what happened?" smirked Hanna.

"Ben is all over Emily" giggled Spencer

"He is so not" butted in Emily "He's just being friendly"

"So" said Alison, very suddenly "What are we going to watch on Saturday? I'm all into romance"

Under the table, she started nudging Emily's foot and Emily nearly choked.

"I don't know. I like black and white movies" said Aria

"I'm all into mystery" growled Spencer "And Hanna's into everything"

"Well how about we watch something completely different?" snarled Alison, lowering her voice "Like a horror?"

"I'm so into horror" laughed Emily "Uh I-I mean, I'll go with whatever you guys want.

"Horror it is then" Alison said, raising her voice. "Emily, do you want to hang out at my house before we go on Saturday? You know, so we can walk there together because your still finding your way around town"

"Sure" said Emily.

"Great. So we'll meet outside the movie theater at 7"



"See you there"

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