When Kai heard that, for a moment he looked a bit confused but then quickly caught on what Holden was trying to say. "Oh, you think I'm not real? I mean, I would think you're not real too because I've been stuck here for about 20 years so... Sucks for both of us, huh?"

Kai then chuckled as Holden glanced at him. "Holden Salvatore, you're gonna help me get out of here," Kai said with a smile before he stood up and walked out of the basement, leaving Holden to be alone once again. Kai's head suddenly peaked out through the door as he smiled. "Oh, and I'm Kai. Nice to meet you."

Kai then left the basement once again as Holden tried to stand up but the vervain burned his entire body so he sank back to the ground.

DAMON AND BONNIE WERE IN A SMALL STORE. The Salvatore had a real dilemma on his mind as he was leaning against a cart with the magic less Bonnie besides him as they strolled through the aisles of an deserted store. "I got it," Damon suddenly spoke after a long quiet trip to the store.

Bonnie wanted to take the cart's handle but Damon wouldn't let her. "Okay," Bonnie glanced at him in confusion. The witch then picked up a small piece of paper. "We need strawberries."

"Mmhmm," Damon mused as his mind was somewhere else once again. He couldn't forget hearing Holden's voice and that made him feel like he was also in this other world. Probably spent it all alone.

"Eggs, milk and- oh candles," Bonnie exclaimed as she picked one candle and set it in the cart. Damon looked at her for a second.

"I know it's been awhile, but you couldn't do magic as an anchor, so I'm curious what momentary lapse reason makes you think you can do it now?" Damon asked her as Bonnie laughed angrily.

"Now you're talking?" she asked dully as they both took a turn to another aisle. "You know, when all this started, you sucked at making pancakes but now they're somewhat edible," she then shrugged. "Milk."

Damon stopped the cart, opened one of the many fridges and took out a big carton of milk before setting it in the cart. "There's no reason to be Peter Pessimist," Bonnie commented as she headed over to a rack of glasses before putting on blue shades on her face with the tag dangling. "We have proof we're not alone."

"First of all. Don't nickname me, that's my thing," Damon snapped as he pointed to himself before grabbing another pair of the same shades before putting it on. "And this proof... This mysteriously filled in crossword, could very easily have been you."

The two began to stroll once again as Bonnie rolled her eyes. "I didn't. Fill. It. In," she said everything slowly before sighing.

"No. You don't know you filled it in. You also don't know that you talk in your sleep," Damon told her before motioning at the fridge. "Eggs."

Bonnie opened the fridge before grabbing the eggs. "What are you saying?" she then asked with a perplexed look on her face. "Are you saying I sleep crossword?"

Damon took his glasses off. "I'm saying it makes more sense than the alternative," he commented before snatching the eggs before slamming them in the cart, causing Bonnie to take her glasses off too.

"I get what you're doing."

Damon grimaced with a sarcastic smile. "What am I doing?"

cosmic love // e. gilbert 3.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon