He kneels down by the decayed carcass and dips his fingers into the old puddle of blood that previously leaked out of it, you watch curiously as he holds his fingers up to his mouth and licks them.

"What are you doing!?" you question; both disgusted and freaked out

"I'm analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real time," he looks up at you "Sorry if that displeases you, I can refrain from doing so in front of you?"

"No, you just...took me by surprise." you weakly smile

"I should have warned you, sorry." he looks back down at the body before he stands back up

"It's okay. That's actually really cool.." you're genuinely impressed by how advanced he is 

"Thank you." the corner of his lips curve into a half smile, you quietly watch as he goes back to work

"Wh..what else can you do?" you finally speak up again, your curiosity peaked

Connor turns his head to look at you as you stand by his side,
"I'm also able to reconstruct events based on the evidence and clues I find."

"So you can like..see exactly what happened and piece it all together?"

"Yes, exactly." he looks away, looking around more

"Woah,that's amazing. How is that even possible?"

"It's a long explanation that includes a lot of programming and computer algorithms. Would you still care for me to explain?" he politely asks 

You quickly shook your head with with a nervous laugh;knowing you wouldn't understand a bit of it, "No, thank you though, Connor."

"Do you have any other questions?" 

"Well...do you like being a detective?" you can't help but question

"I was programmed to be one. I guess you could say that it's in my blood." he attempts to joke

"Yeah," you quietly laugh, " But, do you like it?"

he seems a bit confused on how he should answer, his LED blinks light blue as he processes the question
"I....like working alongside Lieutenant Anderson. Hank is quite an entertaining partner...and I can't see myself doing anything else. So,I suppose my short answer would be yes. I like my job." his voice is soft and the most sincere you've heard it 

"That's..sweet of you," you smile at him, "That's it then, sorry for disturbing you." you leave him to continue his investigation...

You search around for anything that may be of use to the investigation and quickly find a back door, before you can ask if anyone has checked the alley it lead to, Connor approaches you.

"It was damaged and came this way, the blue blood trail leads here." Connor looks at the ground and his eyes trail to the door

"Nice work," you put your hand up, waiting for Connor to high five you; he looks confused by the gesture so you grab his hand to lift it up to hit yours, "It's a high five.." you smile. He looks at his hand before nodding as if he took note of that. 

"Should I go get Hank?" he questions 

"I think we got this," you pulled out your gun, you look up at him, "Stay behind me."

"Got it." he got behind you as you opened the door to the dark alley way 

"Stay alert." you whispered to him as you looked around; holding your gun up in case you needed to shoot, you noticed something between the dumpsters lined up against the brick wall. 

"It could be the murder weapon. I'll analyze it." Connor spoke as he kneeled down to the pocket knife, you lowered your gun as you looked down at him

"And?" you asked, gripping the gun; the alley gave you the creeps 

"There are traces of the blood of the victim on the blade, it's definitely the murder weapon."

"Nice work, Connor. You think the attacker climbed that fence?" you nodded toward the fence at the end of the alley.

Connor stood and looked up at it,
"No, the top of it is covered in barbed wire but there's no traces of blue blood."

"Same for the one at the other end, the gate is locked too," you shrugged, "Any theories?" 

"It may be hiding out here, I'll look around more." he walks away from you and begins to search around, you split from him and decide to check the dumpsters. You sigh as you find nothing but you feel a rough  and strong force quickly push you onto the ground, you drop your gun and before you can grab it you feel something pull you onto your feet. You're slammed against the wall with a rough force, you feel your head hit the brick; making your vision go blurry. You open your mouth to call for help but you quickly felt something sharp touch your throat. You saw the red LED that belonged to the android that was pinning you against the wall, his knife that was on the ground before was up to your throat now.

"Don't. Talk." he whispered and pulled you toward him by your collar before slamming your head against the wall again, you felt dizzy.

"We don't want to hurt you. We just want to question you, that's it." you whispered as you flinched 

"Really?" you felt him lower the knife a bit, his LED changed to yellow

"Yes." you nodded, taking a deep breath as you watched the Android calm down. 

"Detective (Y/L/N)! Let her go." Connor looked at you, seeing that you were in obvious trouble. The Android became hostile again, pulling you from the wall and putting his arm around you to make sure you couldn't leave his grip. His knife was pressed against your throat again.

"Don't come close! I'll slice her throat open!" the android threatened 

"Okay, just stay calm." he spoke calmly; his LED blinked a light shade of yellow as he slowly approached. The Android panicked and pushed you to Connor to slow him down before he went for the gun, Connor caught you and carefully move you out of the way before charging at the assailant before he could shoot. You look around quickly as they wrestled with the gun, you picked up a box cutter that had been left with the junk in the alley. As the Android struggled with Connor you hopped on his back and stabbed him with the box cutter in the neck as much as you could , it didn't hurt him of course but it distracted him long enough for Connor to rip the gun from his hands. Annoyed and probably afraid you'd damage him even more; the android pulled you over his shoulder onto the ground. You caught yourself with your hands as fell onto the rough concrete and quickly stood up to hide behind Connor. He had the gun pointed at the android. He called for the other officers and they quickly rushed out to take the Android into custody.

RK800//Connor x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora