CHAPTER FIVE: The Under Realm

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The UnderRealm.

Oddly, I landed first. I heard a large thump come from the impact with the floor, where ever the hell I was. Then Clock' landed right on me. She smiled, "Thanks for the soft landing!" She teased and I sarcastically answered with: "No problem, babe." I rolled my eyes while feeling a small smile play my lips.

"Where the hell are we?" She asked.

"Umm... Might wanna look at the sign." I pointed at the large, wooden and broken, sign which struck out of the ground stating one thing:


She got up off me and looked around, her hands planted upon her hips and she hummed silently. "So... I guess were gonna get in some real big trouble after?" She finally said.

"You know it. That was fucking Zalgo's room!"


"You heard me!"

"Shit!" She cursed. "How do we get back?"

I froze there. How DO we get back? "I...don't know..."

"We're screwed!" She paniced. "Cmon get serious Natalie... Just... Find someone nice and ask them then run before you get yourself killed..." She muttered.

"Yeah. Good plan, doll." I gave a pissed off sigh.

In the distance, I saw someone. Squinting, I moved my goggles upward to get a better look, it was The Rake. "Uhg. I don't like that dog eating bitch." My mouth mumbled breathlessly. "I don't like you much either you know." I told her.

"Yeah I know. I don't like you either. But if we're going to get out of here we are going to have to stick together." She pointed out, her mood dropping. "Let's just talk to him."

"Yeah, yeah..." Unwillingly, we went to talk to the inhuman creature.

"Hello..." He purred in a deep voice to the feminine girl.

"Uh, hi. We're kind of lost here and I was wondering..." She pursed her lips slightly, looking to the side. "If you knew any way out..?"

"Oh yes, yes! There's an easy way out. But I only know one. I'll tell you...but first answer my question. Are you and... him... Dating or having any sort of affair?" He asked, playing his chances with her and tapping his claws against her knee. I stiffened.

"What the fuck?! No!" We both yelled at the same time, perfect cue.

"Hehe... Sorry if that bothered you." He snickered. "Fine. I'll tell you, but only to you, girl. Your a perfect doll, play thing, you know? Heh, your reactions are... What others would say; cute. There's a well somewhere. Yet, careful. Lots of people night wanna get there hands on you~" He turned and left.

Growling, clenching fists that wanting to throw themselves at the creature, my own self couldn't handle him. He's a player with his tools, a user, abusing all his rights for his own crimes.

Plus, he's annoying as fuck.

"So..." Clock' just stared. "He was certainly creepy..."

"I hate him."

"So do I."

We walked off.

Taking the only road we could, we walked and talked. Nothing much else. The road split turned and went up and down hills. Few words were said between us, a bright and blooming awkwardness kept our mouths shut.

I began to stare at her, not knowing why though. Taking in all her features was a pleasure to me, she was a beauty- when she wasn't mad. She had smooth curves, and rough edges when it came to her shoulders and elbows. Long adburn and brown hair a little above her waist, and an eye that glowed even when it was bright day light. I had my head low but my eyes stayed on her. She seemed so matured when serious, fighting with herself to make up a- rather smart- plan. She was all that a normal guy, or killer, wanted blended in a girl.

And she sunk in perfectly.

Clocky must've caught me staring because she raised a brow. "Your cheeks are red..." She simply stated pointing at me.

I felt my face, it was hot. "Damn." I muttered. Why am I blushing?

I looked away, feeling my face cool down, and shoved my hands in my pockets. This would be a long day.

Trust Me [Ticci Toby x Clockwork]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ