CHAPTER SIX: Lets Start Over.

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Let's start over.

The UnderRealm wasn't all that scary to us.

At first.

It was just a bunch of tangled roads and a house here and there under a very dark, night-seeming, sky. The grass was meager, clawed at, sometimes we even spotted blood staining the ground. Surprisingly we soon entered what seemed to be a long neighborhood with rows of houses and long fences. We walked in silence.

Clockwork seemed to become... 'on edge'. "Where the fuck is everyone?!" She blurted. As soon as she did, a figure behind her approached, taking long strides.

She turned, her eyes grew with slight fear and curiosity. The, um, 'thing' had no arms, just two pale as white stubs and long sharp, bony legs. Dagger like teeth struck out from his mouth with a mix of human teeth, black eyes- completely.

It growled and began to scream, twisting, turning, maniac-like. We covered our ears in a hurry, for its screeching became unbearable. Out of the darkness, a guy in a night blue mask appeared, a black hood and dark jeans was his attire.

I noticed a sharpened scalpel in his gloved hand.

He lunged himself at us. "Shit!" I cursed as I was tackled and she dodged. Quickly, I stirred for my hatchet, spun it and attempted to bring it down on the man. He grabbed my arm, so I snatched my hatchet with my left and flung it at his arm. The blade sunk deep into his arm, the man tried to tear it out, but tore off his arm instead. Clocky ran from no where and wind-mill kicked him in the head, where he fell unconscious.

"Damn... This place is full of crazier people then I know..." I panted and she nodded in reply. The creature that had been screeching was leaned to a pole as a lifeless corpse, the knife right through his head and into the wood. She went over and ripped the knife from it, blood oozing from the open wound.

"Did I kill this guy?" She poked the masked one with the point of her knife.

"I don't know... But let's kill him off. He could get us later."

"True, but he won't be getting anywhere without his arm. He'll bleed out, too. So leave him be." She groaned slightly. I noticed a cut on her arm, blood leaking through her flesh. "You alright? That looks pretty bad."

"Nah. I'm fine. Trust me." She murmured loud enough for me to hear. "Now. Let's get out of here. We gotta get to that well right?" Her lips curved upward to a, rather small, smile. "If we're gonna make it we have to work something out. We can't keep hating each other, okay? I know we had a...bad start at first. So, wanna try again? Let's start over."

I caught myself admiring her, she was smart. And right. If we were gonna make it out alive we were going to have to work together. "Alright." I stood and straightened, sticking out my hand to her. "Hey there, I'm Toby."

"Clockwork." She smiled devilishly and took my hand, slightly shaking it before letting go.

"I guess your not half bad, 'ey Clocky?"

"Clocky? That's a new one..." She muttered, "I like it." She smiled. "Let's go. We can't stay here or we'll get jumped again." I nodded and we ran off.

Trust Me [Ticci Toby x Clockwork]Where stories live. Discover now