5: Stay in the Truck

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I glared at my the time and tapped my foot anxiously. That fucking slut was 30 minutes late.

"Out of all places you could have gone to."

I looked up and found Mason, wearing an apron, looking as annoyed as always.

"What are you doing here?"

Mason looked at me as if I were stupid and gestured towards his clothes. "I work here," he answered dryly.

I could feel my cheeks heating up as I looked down at my feet.


"W-well, you never know, what if that's just the way you liked to dress." I almost slapped myself at my dumbass response.

Morgan, you fucking stupid piece of shit, why the fuck?

"Are you fucking stoned?" he questioned, he was obviously cringing at my last comeback, I could practically hear the humor in his voice.

"I-I'm waiting for someone," I kept going, hoping he didn't see the embarrassment written all over my face.

"Your boyfriend?" He trailed off while the corners of his mouth turned up in a smirk. He knew I had no boyfriend.

"This is why no one likes you," I hissed at him.

I expected him to roll his eyes and turn around but instead, he sat down and fiddled with a menu.

"You like me," he shrugged, almost as if he knew.

As if.

I rolled my eyes and slumped back in my seat, finally recovering from my last embarrassment. "No, I don't."

His eyes shimmered with mischief as he leaned over, and held my hands. "You don't?"

"N-no," I stanmered and drew my hands away quickly, "stop being stupid."

"Then why are you so nervous?"

For starters, he was extremely close to me.

I narrowed my eyes and pulled my hands away. "You can't treat customers like this."

He shrugged and pulled back as if nothing had happened. "My shift is over."

My phone buzzed and I looked down.

Couldn't make it, got grounded.

"Stupid Dee," I hissed as I tossed my phone on the table, "she always does this."

Mason raised his eyebrows and an amused smile made it's way on to his face. "Got ditched?" He asked as he took a bite of the donut I had ordered.

"Yeah," I said and I put my face in my hands, "she was my fucking ride home."

Mason raised his hands and raised his brow. "Calm down, fuckface, there's no need to swear."

"Shut up," I growled.

There was a small silence before he stood up. "I'll take you home," he said, making my head snap up.

Why was he being so nice to me?


"Yeah," he tossed the keys towards me, "I'll pay for your donut, just get in the car."


"You're being nice," I finally said after we were both in the car, "why?"

He raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a look. "You want me to be a dick?"

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