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Ashley's p.o.v.

It will be ending soon, my last year of high school; one month left. I look around at this party that I'm at and grimace a little. I don't know a lot of these people since they go to a rival school, but the stench of human is so strong that I could make a perfume of it and sell it to other wolves to help them hide better. I wouldn't be having such a problem with it, but the fact that it's being held by the Midnight pack and not mine makes it that much more of a joke. My pack, the Stargazers, is held up by the high standards of my father, the Alpha, that it's so hard to believe that he actually forced me to come to it. I know he is only looking for me to find my mate, but I don't want to be tied down to some pup when I'm only seventeen.

Someone turns up the music so that the humans push their bodies closer together on the dance pad and they have to yell to hear what they think. It's only increasing my headache tremendously. 

However, my nose twitches as I smell the Midnight pack finally show up to their own party; how nice of them. I look around to find my best friends who also happen to be mates, Jasmyn and Theodore. When she threw her sweet sixteen and Theo showed up, it was so romantic when they found out they were mates. Thankfully, they haven't really shoved it into my face.

I can't find them, probably have their tongues down the other's throat. Usually, I wouldn't have a problem with a fight against a bunch of boys, but this is their territory and I have to show respect. If we were on my territory then the tables would be a complete 180 and I would have no problem putting them in their place. I give up; they deserve a break anyway. Besides, I'll just use the pack link to find them later. Hell, I deserve a break too.

I walk to the edge of the party and slip behind some bushes and transform into my giant wolf. Although it's almost pitch black outside, no one can see my pure white color, like untouched snow. I walk for a little bit but stop immediately when I hear a snap to my left.  I turn to my left to look at the intruder, who smells like a wolf who rubbed themselves all over a pack of humans. Something about his scent is off though as if I have walked into a field of bluebells and the taste of honey is on the tip of my tongue. I have never in all my years' alive smelt something like this on another being. The wolf part of my brain clicks automatically and tells my human side - he has found me. My mate has finally found me.

What will I do now? All I wanted is something normal but now that will never happen for me. 

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