Chapter 24

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Chloe's POV

We both were in an uncomfortable silence. He was sitting on my bed next to me,
"So... what did you call me here at... 2:45 for?" Daniels says looking up at me
"I had a nightmare-"
"That's what you woke me up for? A nightmare?"
"You didn't let me finished!" I say, I take his hand. His body tenses but relaxes seconds after. He looks at me, his eyes crashing with confusion and something I can't figure out
"It was weird at first... but then, but then... corbyn has a sombrero and was saying
'He will never love you' and I want to know..." I look at him,
"Do you still love me?"

Claire's POV

"I can't see!" Zach wines next to me, I hand the binoculars, we look through the window, 7 of us cramped into a tiny apple tree, just outside of Chloe's room. I grab the binoculars back only to see Chloe and Daniel talking, looking at each other both madly blushing
"You might as well marry each other by now!!" Jack yells a little too loud causing us all-Jonah Corbyn Christina Jess Zach And I too shush him, him sheepishly Smiling. We all new this seemed creepy from the start, but we wanted Chloe and Daniel back together! And if it happens now we aren't missing it. Everyone was talking about teachers at school, me being the only one to pay attention, my eyes widened as I see exactly what's happening, Daniel was leaning in,
"It's happening!! Caniel is happening people!" I shriek they stop talking and turn their attention back towards Chloe's bedroom. My breath hitched when everything silent, I was struck with a pang of happiness when I stared at the two brunettes, kissing passionately towards each other
"Ahh!! It's too graphic for my young innocent eyes!" Zach squeals, covering his eyes with his hands, acting like a 4 year old. The tree starts shaking from the heavy cool night wind, causing us all to scream-which backfires immediately- Chloe snapped her head towards the tree, her expression hard and shocked, she strides over to the window opening it carefully, looking at us in disbelief as Daniel too starts coming over to us
"Your spying on us?" She says arms folded in front of her chest. None of us said anything until Daniel finally says,
"How long have you been in there?" He says, his voice cracked a little at the end due to the lack of sleep we have gotten tonight
"The whole night!" Zach cheers, I glare at him and grin back at the two
"Congratulations on your relationship?" I say, Chloe rolls her eyes all of us giggling. We all climb down the tree-Zach jumped off the high branch we had been sitting on saying
'I'm a bird!'-
"Goodnight guys! I hope you don't stalk me or anyone ever again!" Chloe says waving is all goodnight. We walk down the street to our houses and take our separate ways, ready for the next day to begin.

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