chapter 17: epilogue

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Finn and Puck had to get ready to leave for the airport shortly after brunch so the girls accompanied them upstairs to help them pack and to say goodbye in private as they wouldn't be able to say it the way the wanted to in public.

“It's only a couple of weeks,” Rachel reminded Finn as they clung to each other, hating the idea of letting go. “And then we can be together whenever we want.”

“I know,” he sighed against her hair. “I miss you already.”

“Finn, we have to go,” Puck called.

Finn and Rachel kissed once more then tore themselves away from each other.

Puck kissed Quinn and then smiled at her. “Just think, the next time you see me, I’ll be straight.”

“I think I’m going to miss gay Puck,” Quinn said with a sigh.

The couples shared one more kiss before the reluctantly left the room and went downstairs to the lobby where Brody and Ikuko were saying goodbye to all the departing guests. Finn and Puck made their way over to them and shook their hands.

“Thank you for having us, we had a wonderful time,” Finn said.

“Thank you, Finn,” Brody said. He nodded to Puck as she stepped up to shake Brody's hand. “And Puck, I hope you had a good time too.”

“Best wedding, ever,” Puck assured him genuinely.

Brody puffed out his chest and smiled. “Good to hear.”

“Ready to go?” Finn asked Puck. He held out his hand to him.

Puck slid his hand into Finn's and they intertwined their fingers. They climbed aboard the bus and waved at Rachel and Quinn until the bus rounded a corner and the hotel was out of sight.

They relaxed into their seats. There were a few others on the bus so they still had to pretend to be a couple, but they didn't feel the need to perform now. 

“That went well,” Finn said.

Puck nodded. “Better than expected. We make a good couple.”

Finn laughed. “It's almost a shame that we have to break up.”

“Yeah...” Puck shook his head. “But we do have four more weeks before the girls get to New York. That's twenty-eight days.”

“Then we'll take those twenty-eight days and we'll live twenty-eight lifetimes,” Finn said as earnestly as he could muster.

Puck chuckled. “Sap.”

Finn grinned at him. “You know, I have another wedding, the weekend before Rachel gets in. I was going to ask Kitty to come with me, but would you like to be my plus one?”

“Not even a little bit.”

So that's the end of plus 1 I know it wasn't the best ending but I hope you guys liked it, I might do a sequel but I wanna finish my other stories I'm still doing before I think of doing a sequel!

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