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It would seem that she would just have to go home too. Trotting away slowly, Derpy looked up into the sky for the patch of clouds she liked to enter Ponyville from.

"The night is still young, Derpy." Derpy heard.

Turning to her right where she heard the voice, Trixie trotted towards her. She was holding the ticket in her hooves. Derpy gasped and quickly trotted over to her. Trixie held the ticket too high for Derpy to reach.

"Derpy can beg for the ticket, so Derpy can see Vinyl." Trixie said grinning.

Derpy looked up at the ticket, looking a little disappointed as Trixie held it out of reach.

"Heh, Trixie is just teasing. Is Derpy sure that Vinyl is just a friend? Derpy sure did a lot today to make sure Derpy can see Vinyl again." Trixie said

The two ponies trotted in the direction of the grand function hall as Trixie gave her the ticket, Derpy trying to think about what Trixie had suggested.

"But Trixie she is just a friend. She was really nice to me, she stood up for me and protected me." Derpy finally said.

"Vinyl certainly does seem like a nice catch..." Trixie remarked.

Making their way to the doors of the function hall, Derpy passed by the pony bouncer, flashing her ticket. Derpy looked back at the pony who had been kind enough to walk her there. A familiar wicked grin met her face as she produced her own ticket to show the bouncer. Derpy was awestruck that the pony would have the nerve to place so much value on the ticket when she had one of her own. It was clear that Trixie had spent the whole day simply amusing herself with Derpy.

"What's that look for? Don't act like you didn't have fun with Trixie!" Trixie said.

Derpy shook her head and returned Trixie's mischievous smile with a smile of her own as they entered the club together. The hall was decorated with blue fluorescent lights as Derpy descended onto the main dance floor. To their surprise, nopony was to be seen. That is apart from the pony standing in front of a huge amplifier.

"Vinyl! You doing good?" Derpy asked,

"Brilliant Derpy! We're going to tear this place down."

Vinyl Scratch, flaunting her usual wild blue hair and eccentric purple tints made her way towards Derpy and her friend, raising her hoof about to Derpy's eye level. Simply looking at it, Derpy tilted her head.

"You never bro hoofed a pony before?" She asked.

Trixie then picked up Derpy's fore hoof and clopped it against Vinyl's, smiling at her.

"Kinda expected more ponies to come here, Vinyl. What's going on with that?" Derpy asked.

"Well it's the same reason it's so silent in here Derpy, I'm still setting up. I told my bouncer only to let you in and anypony else that seemed to be with you. Speaking of which, pleased to meet you...?" Vinyl said.

Trixie scoffed at the idea that a pony hadn't heard of her before. Vinyl just looked right back at her with a blank expression.

"It's Trixie, the GREAT and POWERFUL. Anypony would think I was in deep space!" She said.

"...Heh, you fell for it. Of course I know who you are! I think I saw you in Canterlot when I was buying some hardware. Deep space huh? What I wouldn't give to get a gig in deep space, scratch some beats for some alien ponies." Vinyl replied

Derpy meanwhile was looking at the equipment that stood by the dance floor. Pacing around to her Disc Jockey booth, Vinyl summoned Trixie over to look too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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