Somewhere to Stay

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There were too many clouds for Eliza to see the sun set. She sighed, and closed the curtains. She would have liked to open a window, so she could hear the rain, but she didn't want the animals at the shelter to get cold.

It was late on a cold and rainy Saturday night, and Eliza was alone. Usually, someone else would be working with her, or one of her friends would be with her. But no one wanted to be outside in the heavy rain, and Eliza wasn't really looking forward to going home herself. She liked rain, but it was really coming down that night.

She put down her clipboard, and started to prepare to leave. She didn't want to, she loved the animals at the shelter, but it was freezing in the place. She was wearing her favorite fuzzy blue hoodie, and she was still cold. She didn't want to catch anything, and the employees were only allowed to turn on the heater when they were leaving, for the animals sake.

Eliza had pulled up her hood, and was about to open her umbrella when the door burst open with a bang. The cold wind startled the young women, making her shiver.

Maybe it was just the wind, she thought. Eliza turned around, the wind blowing her dark brown hair in her face. She could barely see a thing.

The door closed, and Eliza pushed her hair out of her face. Her brown eyes widened when she saw the young women in front of her.

The person was soaking wet, and shaking. Her chestnut-brown curls was matted down and dripping with water, and her eyes were big and red-rimmed. Eliza wasn't sure if it was from the rain, or if she had been crying.

The women quickly started struggling to unzip her red hoodie, and yanked it of. It fell to the floor with a wet thud. She held something to her chest protectively.

No. Someone.

A tiny, wet, and shivering dog sat curled up in the person's hands. A corgi, Eliza immediately noticed. How cute!

"Please," the women said, desperation clearly shown on her face. "Help her."

Eliza quickly took the tiny dog, and brought her over to the baths. The water was freezing, but warmed up quickly. Eliza started to wash the dirt out of the corgi's soft fur.
"Where did you find her?" Eliza asked, soaping up her hands and the dog.

"The c-corner of M-Main Street and S-Sawyer," she stuttered. "She was in a tall b-box, and the box was almost filling up with w-water."

Even though she was stammering, soaking wet, and had just came out of the cold, her voice was low and sultry. Eliza tried to ignore it, and focus on the dog.

"Poor girl," Eliza murmured, scrubbing the mud of the tiny corgi. Without the mud, the dog's fur was golden. "She looks like a baby. She might not have survived the night."

Eliza turned around, and met the women's brown eyes.

"You saved her."

For some reason, the comment made the women's cheeks go pink, but she didn't break eye contact.

"It was nothing."

After a few seconds of staring (Eliza didn't want to look away from those beautiful brown eyes) she turned away. She pulled the corgi out of the bath, and grabbed a towel to dry her off.

"Awwww, aren't you a cutie?" Eliza cooed, scratching the dog behind her ear. She grinned, wagging her tail eagerly.

When Eliza let go of the corgi, she ran right up to the other women. She smiled, and bent down to pet her. Eliza noticed that she was still wet, and mentally kicked herself.

"Here," she handed the mystery women the biggest towel. Considering the towels were for animals, the biggest one was still small. "She seems to like you. What's your name?"

She paused, looking up at Eliza through her long black lashes.

"Maria," she answered. "Maria Reynolds."

"I'm Eliza Schuyler. It's nice to meet you! What were you doing outside in the rain?"

Maria (which Eliza thought was a pretty name) pulled the towel around her, almost falling in on herself. Eliza was instantly worried, and moved a few steps toward her.

"My boyfriend broke up with me earlier today," she admitted, staring at her feet. "Well, I guess I broke up with him. I told James I was . . . lesbian, and he kicked me out of out apartment. I was just wandering around when the rain started."

Her voice started breaking up as she spoke. She sniffed, and wiped her face. Eliza felt a pang of concern, and quickly wrapped her arms around Maria. She stiffened, but soon melted into her embrace.

"Thanks," Maria's voice was muffled, but Eliza still heard it.

The two women untangled themselves from each other, both with pink cheeks.

"Do you have somewhere to stay?" Eliza asked.

"I have a sister, but she lives a few states away. I don't know if she'd help me either. She's not that supportive of . . . people like me," Maria said.

"You can stay with me if you want," Eliza offered. She blushed slightly at the thought of the two women staying in her apartment, which was small and kind of cramped.

"R-really? You would let me stay with you?"

The hope on Maria's face made Eliza smile.

"Of course!"

This time Maria was the one to tackle Eliza in a tight hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"It's no problem."

They started to get ready to leave. Eliza grabbed her umbrella, and started trying to put the corgi in one of the pens. She kept slipping out of her grip, and running back to Maria.

"She likes you. Do you think we should take her home?"

"You wouldn't mind?" Maria picked up the dog, a faint smile on her face.

"I love dogs, I wouldn't mind at all!" Eliza said. "What are you going to name her?"

Maria scrunched up her face, thinking. That's pretty cute, Eliza thought, picking up her stuff and moving toward the door.

"I'll name her Lizzy," Maria declared.

"Awww, cute name! Why'd you choose that?"

Maria quickly moved forward, so she was closer to Eliza.

"Because it short for Eliza, who is the sweetest person I know."

Maria kissed Eliza on the cheek and grabbed her hand. Eliza, with a face as red as Maria's lipstick, was gently dragged out the door, but was smiling for every second.

Hi! So literally the only reason I published this is for the WattPride thing. I hope this counts, considering Eliza and Maria were real people. The cover is not mine. Also, I might add more to this later and make it into a oneshot book, I don't really know yet.

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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