Opening Ceremony

59 3 0

Red Square fanfare

sport without politics-

FIFA World Cup Goaaaaaaaaaal!!!

FIFA World Cup Goaaaaaaaaaal!!!

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Poet's notes:
On the first day of this year's World Cup, June 14, 2018, I wrote two senryu- one for the opening ceremony and one as an overview of the World Cup.  The next few days I saw several matches on television and summarized them with senryu.  I don't have the time to write a senryu for every match in the World Cup, but I thought it would be nice to continue summarizing the matches I am able to watch.  Between now and July 15th there may be other developments at the World Cup that inspire me to write.  In the meantime, feel free to leave comments, and please remember to vote for the ones you like.  Thanks!

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