~Principal x Reader x Baldi~

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My Yandere School?!

           You were a good student, you followed the rules, and got good grades. Your best subject was math. So, one day, you were walking to class. The Principal walked over to you. "Hello Mr. Principal." You greeted. "Hello (Y/N), how are you this morning?" He asked. "I'm good! How are you?" You replied. "I'm good as well." He said. "Okay..Well i'm going to class..bye." You walked away from him. That was awkward.. what was that about..? You thought, entering the classroom, where your teacher was standing near the door. "Ah! Hello (Y/N)." He smiled at you. "Um..Well, Hi Mr. Baldi."

      "How's my favorite student?" He asked. "I'm fine- wait- favorite? Why?" You asked. "You're the only one who is actually good at math..and you're kind as well." He whispered. What was with this school today..? They're acting weird.. they normally don't go out of their way to talk to you. "O-Oh. Well, thank you." You replied, walking briskly to your seat. You quickly sat down, with your pencil in hand. Baldi walked over, as he passed your desk, he left a note. He went to his desk and began teaching. You looked at the note. 'Meet me after school today.'

      Soon enough, class ended. You stayed at your desk as everyone leaved. You looked over at Mr Baldi. He walked to you. "So...why did you want me here..?" You asked. "I need to tell you something important." He looked you right i the eyes. You hesitated. "O-Okay." He had his ruler in hand, making you nervous. "I need you to stay away from the Principal." He told you. "What? The Principal? Why?" You ask. "Just listen to me. He's only up to no good around here." He told you, gripping his ruler tightly. You froze in place. "I'll stay away."

          You got up, grabbing your stuff, and exiting the room in a panic. Right before you got to the exit, someone grabbed your wrist, pulling you back. "(Y/N)." It was the Principal. "Y-Yeah?" A bead of sweat ran down your head. "Stay away from Baldi. He's more dangerous than he seems to you." He looked you directly in the eyes. Confusion twisting in your mind. You pulled your wrist away. "U-Um.. that'll be hard! He's my teacher..!" You stuttered. "Just, try the best you can." He told you, taking a step toward you. "U-Um.. I have to go." You left.

~With Baldi and The Principal~

        Baldi stormed to the Principal. "Don't you lay a hand on her." He growled. "Don't tell me what to do." He growled back. "You scared her." Baldi yelled. "She was more freaked out coming out of your classroom!" He shot back. Baldi slapped the Principal over the head with his ruler. His ruler was made out of metal. The Principal's vision blurred slightly, then shaking his head, he snapped out of it. He threw a punch at Baldi, hitting him straight in the face, then kneeing him in the gut. "She's mine.." They both growled in unison.

~The next day~

         You weren't sure of what to do. You pulled the door open. No one in the halls...how strange. You walked to your classroom, dropping your books and pencils in utter horror. Baldi was sitting on his desk, with a bloody ruler in hand. He seemed beat up as well. What was worse..all of your classmates were DEAD. "Ah~ (Y/N)~ There you are~" He purred, getting off his desk, walking towards you. "The Principal was right! You are dangerous!" You shouted in horror. "No..No~ All these students were in my way..In the way of you..I need you, (Y/N)." 

         Disgusted, you bolted out of the classroom. Tears blurred your vision as you ran. Only to be grabbed by the wrist. "No running in the halls..dear~" Your eyes widened. "P-Principal!?" You turned. He had blood all over him as well. You screamed, thrashing to get out of his grip. He grabbed your other wrist, bringing your back to his chest. "Stop struggling." He growled. Baldi then walked in front of you two. Growling, Baldi raised his voice. "Let her go." The Principal laughed. "Why should I?" He tightened his grip on you, making you yelp in pain. "P-Please...stop this... Please!" 

     "Dear~ I can't do that." The Principal cooed. Baldi grabbed your chin, kissing you roughly. You were shocked and so disgusted at the same exact time. You kicked your teacher. "GET OFF OF ME!" You screamed, thrashing around, soon enough escaping the Principal's grip. You didn't waste a single second, You ran towards the exit, only for it not to open. "(Y/N)~ I hear every door you open~" Baldi was tailing you. You sprinted away as quick as possible. "No running in the halls, dear~" He was around another corner. You dashed to the lunchroom. You knew there was an exit there.

      You were right! Quickly, you ran to the exit. You swung open the door and bolted out of the school. You needed to find a phone.. You needed to call the police. Right! There's a police station not too far away! You ran there. Now, out of breath, you opened the door. You were shocked. All of the police were dead. They were DEAD! You screamed. "Ah~ She's here~" Principal. Baldi growled. "Yeah~ MY (Y/N) is here~" Principal scoffed. You turned around, Principal was blocking your way of the door. Baldi was just on the other side of you.

        Baldi slammed his ruler over your head, knocking you out. "Now..you'll belong to us...." Baldi cringed as he said 'us'. Principal laughed. "Yes..~" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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