Balcony - Damien x William

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Well... because I'm still obsessed with these two it's another Damien x William! Enjoy XD //Lolly

[No smut]
Willam walked out on the balcony, he was just in time for the sunset to appear. He sigh as he leaned against the stone fence. I know I got a lot of work left... but I couldn't care less, he thought.

As he relaxed more, he begin to wonder where Mark or Celine was right now.. or Damien. He sighed again, Damien... Da-mi-en, what a beautiful name. Staring at the sun he got lost, he let out every thought that have been kept in his mind over the last few days. It was what he needed to do once in a while, let his mind loose. Searching his pockets he takes his glasses off to clean them with a little handkerchief.

Lightly lifting the porous fabric Damien looked out of the window, smiling slightly. What made him happier, the unnatural colorful sunset or the man who was enjoying it, he did not know. He looked away and met a man, a man who was staring at him. A well dressed man in a black suit from top to toe. A man with his black neat hair backed with hair gel. A man that was staring back at him with tired eyes, looking miserably in a way. Oh, that's right... It was him. Quickly Damien snapped and let go off the curtains. Feeling his hands shaking marginally he backs up to the bed and clash the edge. He sit down and clench his fingers together, taking a deep breath. You can do it... It is William, just William. He give himself a moment to think before he decides to stand up again, he have made up his mind. Grabbing his cane he saw how the room had turned slightly darker. The sun had disappeared. This have to do, don't back down now. Even more Determined he almost rushed out of the room when he had spotted the Colonel on his way back inside. Just ask him.


After the sun had hidden itself behind the treetops he sigh again but more tiredly and made his way back inside.

"I can't stay here all night... even though that would be nice, just for one night"
He spoke to himself, a habit of his. He stopped I front of his office door. The office was for him but also for Mark, who also grew up in the Manor. As William stood there trying to understand what he just had heard. Listening, he heard the same sound, no.. voice, call his name from behind.

"William.. I know the sun just passed us, but w-would you mind.. holding me company for a moment?"

Smiling to himself, William turned around. Meeting The Mayor who looked just as stunning as always.

"Of course cha- Damien", he nodded. "Of course." A little curious about the nerves tone in his voice he followed Damien outside.


Damien turned around as they made there way to the stone fence and grabbed The Colonel's hand gently. Looking at it he stroke it with his thumb, gathering himself. Here I go. Squeezing Williams hand he met his brown beautiful eyes and forced a smile that he hoped would show something except nervosity.

"May I have a dance?"

William stared at him as if he had not head what he just said. Damien felt how his ability to talk left him, instead his thoughts begun to occupied his vision. Snapping back to reality he heard The Colonel chuckle, a sound that made his heart flutter.

"..But we have no music, right?"

Damien froze. How could he not have thought of preparing that? Music, of course we need music! How could I've been so dumb!? What do I d-


Snapig again he winced and forced his focus on William again. "Y-yeah.."

"Wait here..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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