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Dedicated to xAniekax 💜😜
Image above is owned by ChappyVII on DeviantArt (which I got from Google).

By the way, I made edits to the last chapter, so you might wanna read it again.


Prince Luffy was colorblind. He first figured out when Shanks gave him a colouring book and some crayons. He had no idea what to do with it, so he asked around and people told him to colour the book with the crayons.

Luffy coloured the pictures like told, neatly and carefully making sure that the colours didn't stray to the parts he wasn't supposed to colour. Normally, it would've been impressive for a usually clumsy five-year-old to do, but no . . .

When he showed the book to Shanks after finishing all the pictures, the red-haired man laughed his head off. He thought Luffy we joking around with him because the pictures were coloured like this; the head would be blue, the left foot pink and right foot black. It was totally random.

However, Luffy, whom spent so much time on those pictures, only felt offended. He took his colouring book and hid away in his room. He wouldn't open his door unless to receive food until his uncle, Rayleigh, came to visit him.

Luffy told him about his current situation, and so his uncle told him the legend of soulmates. Soulmates were pretty common stuff in the supernatural world, but sometimes, the supernatural creatures would have a human soulmate.

Those rare occurrences were especially special. Therefore, the human soulmates would usually get signs like Luffy.

In his case, however, he had two signs. First, the whole 'you can't see colours until you see into your mate's eyes' thing. Second, the little red string around his right pinky finger.

Since then, Luffy had had no qualms about being colorblind--not that he had any before. Besides, he wasn't completely colorblind. He could still see the red on the string around his finger, but then again, that was the only red he could see.

The reason we're talking about this now?

Well, the whole Foosha Kingdom knew about Luffy being colorblind and whatnot, but not the Alabasta Kingdom. In fact, Princess Vivi, who was Luffy's close friend, didn't even know. The problem was; the matter never came up until now.

Vivi was just showing him the new necklace her father had given her. She was describing about the 'emerald' colour and stuff, and how it reflected the light . . . Luffy understood nothing.

Upon realizing that the Prince was not listening to her excited rambling, she asked, "Luffy, did I bore you with my stories? I deeply apolo-"

"Stop with the fancy-talking thing. I don't understand you." Luffy waved off before looking more intently at the necklace. "What is emerald, exactly?" he asked after a few moments.

"It's a stone. But, right now, I guess I'm talking about the colour," Vivi stated more to herself.

"Emerald is a colour?" Luffy asked. He had never heard about it before. He'd only heard about the basic colours like red, orange, green, et cetera. He'd heard that blue was a calming colour, and white usually meant purity. He used to ask a lot about that stuff because he couldn't see them, but soon got bored because no matter how much he knew, he couldn't see them anyway.

Vivi nodded with a smile. "Emerald green. It's quite beautiful, isn't it?"

Luffy chuckled. "Shishishi. I would've agreed with you, but unfortunately, I'm colorblind."

Silence followed.

One second.

Two second.




Trafalgar D. Water Law was bored. Really bored. He was in a cafe in Alabasta, simply people-watching as he took small sips from his coffee. He was on his way to Foosha, but stopped in this country because . . . just because.

The reason he was about to go to Foosha was because the King of that Kingdom was too damn scared to visit the Heart Pack--probably because the members were werewolves and once he got into their land, he would pretty much be powerless no matter how many men he had--and his (Law's) annoying uncle himself was too lazy to visit Foosha on his own.

More specifically, he was sending a message about a negotiation and also doing the negotiation. Boring, right? He sighed.

Law looked at the aquarium on the corner of the room and watched the fishes play. He heard that mermaids and mermen could talk with sea animals, but that didn't really interest him. He sometimes wondered what would become of the mermaids who ate Devil Fruits. Would they turn into a hammer under the ocean?

Suddenly, Law felt a small tug on his pinky finger. He looked at the small red string that only he had been able to see.

Usually, supernatural creatures first got a sign of their soulmates as a tattoo that naturally appeared on their body which categorized which kind of supernatural creature their soulmate was. However, Law never got any during his teenage years, which were the years when the tattoo was supposed to appear--instead, he got this little red string around his finger.

So, of course, he panicked.

Soulmates were the most important thing--or second most?--to all supernatural creatures, especially people like Law who was the next Alpha-in-line. If he couldn't find his own mate, who knew what would happen to him?

He read a lot of books about soulmates, just trying to figure out what the hell was happening. Perhaps his soulmate was an invisible being? A ghost? A cuckoo bird who liked eating cyclops?

Nope. Not at all. His soulmate was just human.

Which wasn't a bad thing, of course. Law wasn't racist, but there were way too many human countries that he simply gave up his search after the first few years. His logic was, if they were really soulmates, they would meet up sooner or later, right?

However, he had never felt it tugging on his finger like this. He had never even been able to touch it; this was the first time he got any 'reaction' from it. Could strings even give a 'reaction', though?

Interested, the werewolf stood up and started walking towards the door, coffee in hand. Even as a werewolf, he needed to be at least in a certain distance to smell his soulmate. Therefore, his only lead was the red string.

Law decided he would spend his day following the red string all around Alabasta. The meeting at Foosha tomorrow could wait.

Words: 1087
June 17th, 2018

Please vote, please comment, please tell me if there's any mistake! Thanks!
-J. x

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