Chapter 9

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SHIZU was already in her room when she opened her eyes. She got up as she remembered everything that happened before she passed out.

Zeek! I need you...

She was about to open the door when her mother suddenly came.

"Baby! You have to take a rest," her mother guided her back to her bed. They sat beside each other.

"Mom, please help me. I have to see Zeek," she began to cry again.

Her mother hugged her. "Hush, my baby. Hush. I'm so sorry."

"M-mom. I-I d-don't want to m-marry Blake," she said while sobbing.

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry I can't do anything."

"W-why is Grandpapa doing this, Mom? Why?"

"It was your Grandmama's last wish before she died, baby, remember? You know how much your Grandpapa loved her."

"B-but I don't love Blake."

"You're going to love him again, baby."

"No, Mom. I can't. Please help me, Mom. I only love Zeek."

Her mother sighed. "I saw how he proposed to you."

"Y-you saw? How?"

"Oh it was already all over the internet, baby. Everyone who has access in the internet already saw the video," her mother laughed a little.

"D-did Grandpapa see it, too?"

"Yes. That was how he knew about it even before you came here."

"I thought it was Blake who told him everything?"

"No, baby. He just asked Blake to confirm it."

"How can I change Grandpapa's mind, Mom?"

"Does this man, the one you love, love you back?"

"Of course, Mom. You saw the video, right?"

"Then trust him."

"I HAVE to trust him," Shizu convinced herself.

It had already been three days since she arrived in Japan. She decided to trust Zeek just like what her mother told her to do, so she was waiting patiently in her room. Her grandfather assigned six bodyguards for her and she can't even leave the mansion. Her phone was missing so can't contact anybody. Even her brother wasn't there yet.

Be patient, Shizu! Fighting!

She was busy making a draft for her next novel when her grandfather entered her room.

"Are you ready, my tenshi?" he asked as he sat in front of her.

She put down her pen on the table. "Grandpapa, please stop this. I can't marry Blake."

"Nonsense! Blake is the right man for you," he said angrily.


"I'm here to remind you of what we had agreed about before you went back to the Philippines."

She was stunned.

"You already got your end of the bargain. Now, I'm getting mine," he said.

To make her grandfather allow her and brother to go back to the Philippines, she made a deal with him. She would grant him one favor in exchange of one from him. She thought her grandfather wouldn't mind her childish deal but he accepted it. He gave his approval for her wish and asked her to remember that she still owed him one favor.

My Second LeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora