Chapter 5

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SHIZU SLOWLY OPENED HER EYES. She looked around and saw Zeek and Blake sitting on the sofa near her. They were both at the edge sitting while sleeping. Based on what she was seeing in the room, they were in the hospital.

What happened?

She tried to get up slowly and quietly. She didn't want to disturb the two because they already seemed tired. She looked at her wristwatch. It was already midnight.

I was sleeping for 12 hours?

Carrying the IV stand that was connected on her hand, she slowly walked out the room.

She saw Drew outside talking with someone through his phone. He ended the call when he saw her and immediately walked towards her.

"Why did you get up?" He asked her with a worried expression.

"Let's go home now."

"You can't go home yet. The doctor said you have to take a rest."

"I just need to take a rest, big bro. Come on, you know I'm not comfortable in a hospital. Let's just go home."

He sighed. "And what are we going to do with those two?" He was referring to Blake and Zeek.

"Let them rest. They seemed tired."

"Your friends asked me to tell you to call them when you wake up."

"I'll call them when we get home."

It has been a week since they went to the beach. Shizu had not seen Zeek yet since then. Blake, on the other hand, had been visiting her every day. She didn't want to go outside because she was finishing her novel. Blake didn't bother her, instead, he was just visiting her to check if she's eating properly or not. He promised her he wouldn't let her go to the hospital again so she had to eat properly on time and get enough sleep.

This is for the best, I guess.

She heard a knock. "Come in."

It was her nanny Cyntia holding the tray of her breakfast. She had been her nanny ever since she was a child. "It's time for your breakfast, my dear."

Ever since she came back from the hospital, her nanny had been consistently insisting her to eat every food she prepared during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Before, she wouldn't bother her if she told her she wasn't hungry yet, but now, she wouldn't leave her unless she finished her food.

"Thanks, Nanny C." She got her food and started eating. "Tell me, nanny, have you seen Zeek these days?"

Her nanny smiled. "Why, my dear? I thought you don't care anymore about him since your fiancé has always been here." Her nanny knew that she had feelings for Zeek.

"Well, I was just wondering why he hasn't visited me yet."

"If you miss him, why don't you visit him yourself like you had always been doing in the past?"

Her nanny seemed to be teasing her. "And here I thought, you already liked Blake for me, Nanny C."

"I like Blake, my dear. He's a very nice young man and I know he really likes you a lot."

"It seemed that there is a 'but' in what you have said, Nanny C." She knew her nanny had liked Zeek for her ever since she told her she liked him.

"Well, Zeek is also a nice young man, my dear."

"Zeek isn't nice to me, Nanny C. He has always been grumpy towards me. And he has a girlfriend!"

"Are you sure?"

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