Where are you, Frey?!

They reached the room. Zeek opened the room for her.

"Change." He ordered her as he closed the door after coming in.

She turned around to look at him. "What's your problem Zeek?" she asked him. 

What has gotten into him?

"You are my problem! Why are exposing your body to a lot of people outside?" 

She was stunned. It was the first time Zeek raised his voice towards her.

"Jasfer bought me this. I just wanted to ---"

"Are you going to change or I AM going to change your clothes myself?" he was already giving him a warning!

"What?!" He really seemed serious on what he had said. "Okay. I'm going to change." She took her rash guard from her bag and started walking to the restroom. While changing her clothes, she analyzed her thoughts.

Am I getting it right? Is he actually protecting me?! She smiled. Oye! Thanks ,Jas!

"Happy?" She asked Zeek after changing her clothes. She tried to hide her smile and acted a little irritated.

Oh my Zeek!

Zeek sighed. He was about to say something when the door suddenly opened and Blake came in.

"What's going on?" Blake asked them. He looked at Zeek.

She could feel the tension rising. She walked towards Blake. She held one of his arms and started pulling him outside. "Nothing. Zeek just asked me something," she told Blake while waking outside.

"What is it?" he asked when they were finally outside. It seemed that he wasn't satisfied with her answer.

Should I tell him the truth? 

"Well, you see, Jas asked me to wear the two-piece he bought for me. Then Zeek saw me and asked me to change it because according to him it was---" she paused for few seconds to think of the right word to say, "just a little revealing."

Blake didn't reply. She looked at him. He seemed to be in deep thought. 

Oh no. Should it be better if I had just made an alibi?

"Shi! Let's swim!" She heard Frey called her. It was as if she already interpreted the situation and was trying to rescue her.

Oh, Frey! I love you, my friend! I have already forgiven you for leaving me a while ago.

"Let's swim," she invited Blake.

He looked at her. He still looked serious. "Go ahead. I'll follow later. I'm just going to help Drew with the food."

She nodded and started walking fast towards Frey. She excitedly hugged her when she finally reached her. "I love you, Frey!" she exclaimed.

Frey laughed and pulled her into the deeper part of the water away from the other people there.

"I sensed trouble when I saw Blake waking towards your room!" Frey said when they finally got away.

"What happened?!" Jasfer suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

She splashed water on Jasfer's face. "This is all your fault, Jas!"

Jasfer laughed as he wiped his face. "If I didn't ask you to wear it, we wouldn't know that Zeek actually cares for you," he said.

"And look at his mysterious girlfriend." Frey pointed at Kate from afar by pouting her lips at Kate's direction. Kate was helping Drew preparing the food on their table.

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