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'siyeon! hold up!' i heard someone from behind called. i halted as i looked back, only to see jeno running towards me. 'why... what happened... between you and haechan?' jeno asked with his hands on my shoulder. its been two weeks since i met eunbi, also two weeks since i last talked to haechan. a tingle went up my spine upon his name but i shrugged it off. 'nothing' i replied nonchantly.

'then why did distance yourself from us?' jeno asked again, this time no longer panting or gasping for air. i blinked twice before walking away. 'yah, kim siyeon!' i heard jeno shouted from the back, but i was already walking towards the other direction.

'oo, see who we've got here. kim siyeon?'

i looked up to the owner of the voice, and saw eunbi with her minions. i rolled my eyes as i tried to walk away, but before i could take a step, her minions got up to me and pushed me against the hard metal lockers.

ouch, i winced, but eunbi doesn't give a shit. 'what do you want? i've already ended my friendship with haechan like what you wanted, what else do you want with me?' i spat out, calmly. eunbi merely chuckled as she batted her eyelashes.

'your friends...'

'don't you dare touch them'

'i wont, unless you...'


'help me get together with haechan'

i froze upon her words. how shameless could she get? 'go get him yourself if you want him, why would i help your pathetic ass get a guy' i spat out, once again, preparing to leave. just then, eunbi shoved me against the lockers so hard i fell onto the ground and i winced in pain, holding onto my head.

'kang... eunbi... how could... you...' i mumbled softly while laying on the floor. 'help me get him if not, you'll see how' eunbi scoffed before walking away. i tried to sit up, but it was to no avail as my head hurts alot. glancing at the floor behind me, all i could see was red blood before everything turned pitch black

ah, my head hurts. i held my hand to my head as the tingling of pain was still there. i opened my eyes slowly, and saw a patch of white. clueless to my surroundings, i tried to sit up, but i was stopped by the person who happened to walk in.

lee haechan.

'siyeon! you're finally awake!' haechan said while rushing to my side. he gently placed me back to bed while tucking in my blankets. 'where am i?' i asked him.

'in the first aid room, dont move too much, just stay in bed' haechan instructed as he got up and poured a glass of water.

as he handed me the glass of water, i looked around before asking, 'what happened?'

'i should ask you that, i was walking to class when i saw you unconscious in front of the lockers with blood around you' he replied whilst sitting on the edge of my bed.

'so what exactly happened?' haechan asked, concerned, with his hands on my shoulders. i shoved his hands away before muttering, 'nothing..'

'its eunbi, isnt it?' haechan said seriously. i remained silent as i stared at the ground. what can i do? 'did she ask you to do not talk to me? to avoid me? why?' he questioned again, this time with a gentler tone. i sighed, 'eunbi likes you, she wants you to go out with her'

haechan's eyes widened as his mouth casually formed an 'o'. 'are you serious? why would i date her? besides i have someone on my mind'

my heart stunged a little at his last sentence, but i shrugged that off. 'tell her that yourself, shes going to hurt the rest if i dont get you to date her'

haechan remained silent for awhile before saying, 'fine, ill go out with eunbi, only to protect you and the others'


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