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k so there was a tornado (but i wasn't scared because idgaf about tornadoes) and we were in a small town in the middle of nowhere, like, there were like 3 buildings in one strip, and i was running a motel. and all of a sudden the lights went out so we went outside and it was kinda dark and we could see the city in the distance and it was dark and the lights were out and we got on top of some bus and we were standing ther elike wuttt. and ONE DIRECTION was there and i was kinda like wdf y r u in my fcking town gtfo but then we became friends and everything was still and quiet and we were like hmmm so i called my friend (who happened to be simon cowell) and he was like SHIT AMBR UR IN TEH EYE OF TEH STORRRRRM and i was like fuck so i looked out and i saw a shooting star and i realized the entire fucking tornado was around the fucking town so i took 1D and we got under the building and my family was there and harry put his arm around me and i was like wdf and then we all interlocked arms and hunkered down and then the tornado passed and we had been picked up and thrown miles away and it was just me and 1D and my sister was next to me and she was dead because a giant metal shard was through her entire body and i held her as she died and 1D was like omg so sorry *hugz kissez holding handz* and niall wouldn't take his arm off of me like he was half hugging me constantly and i was like "ur cute but damn gtfo" but i didn't say it becuase they were all scared and i was like come on 1D we g2g find my parents or some shit becuase they were gone for some reason and there was blood everywhere and i found my dad but his legs were torn off and i held him as he died and i was barefoot so Niall gave me his shoes and i was like um thanks but they were reboks and i think reboks r dumb so i was like -u- and then we found my mom's random ass head in the middle of the ground and we wre like shit and so we found a bed and stayed there and slept through teh night and niall kept wrapping his arms around me and i was like I DONT EVEVN FFCKING LIKE 1D AND UR NOT EVEN MY FAVORITE GTFOOO but you're pretty cute but i didn't say anything out loud and then a tornadoee came but it was small and we got thrown somewhere and zayn was knocked out and we were all like goddammit zayn and so we stayed inside of a box for an hour and waited for him to wake up and then everyone left but me and niall to find food or paramedics or some shit and niall tried to bang me and i woke up

the end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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