Chapter 9

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I continued to storm off until I reached the library, where I snagged a computer quickly before it was taken again. I logged on but you know what school computers are like they for-fucking-ever so I plugged in some head phones and played some games on my phone. When the bloody thing decided to load it then told me my password was invalid "arsehole" suddenly a load of eyes were on me and some were even 'sh'ing me, maybe my head phones were louder than I thought, anyway I eventually logged on and dragged up sibalius, its basically the computer way of writing up your music you know with the bars and it also plays it back to you. I was going to start something new, I wanted to write a song, in which I could sing, an emotional song as I was feeling emotional, I had a study period next anyway so I had about 1 hour and 45 minutes.

I had just clicked new project when I felt a tapping on my shoulder, "Niall?"

"Harley, I could hear you from down the corridor!, you have maths why are you here?" I could hear some more 'sh'ing well they knew where they could stick it after I pulled the middle finger out.

"I did, do, but she was being a whore so I told her to fuck off and walked out, I came in here to write a song as I'm here next aswell."

"Do you have anger issues? Or swearing issues? Or just issues? You really need to calm down, ah oh right I'll leave you too it, if you want a guitar part just give me a shout or whisper, I'm here next too"

"Okay will do, if you don't mind I'd like to get started"

"No sorry of course, bye" and with that he was gone, somewhere else in this library no doubt. Right so let's begin...

I am actually mildly impressed with how much work I have achieved in the last 2 hours, also rather surprised at how full of anger i am, maybe I'll go get a full body massage soon. Anyway, I think I have music next so ill ask for miss' opinion then. Now for break, now for food, now for 15 minutes with my queer peers, oh brilliant. 

"Hey guys" 

"Hi, are you okay u heard you stormed out of maths"

"Yeah she was just being a twat"

Suddenly someone was very close behind me but I could smell very well, "Hey Niall"

"Hey again"

"See Harley we like you, you bring boys to the group" Tsara pitched in, niall was standing next to me now, then I felt someone else's presence right behind me..


"You called" yes it was him

"What are you doing?"

"I was just wondering if you were okay after earlier, you proper went for miss" 

"You’re in my maths class?, well I was just thinking how we shouldn’t have to be doing maths revision once a week then she knew I wasn't paying attention so she picked me and I thought fuck it i could be doing way more useful things then sat here so I left"

"Yeah I sit at the back in the corner friendless, what did you do for the 45 minutes left?"

"Oh well if I come back ill move next to you, oh I wrote a song"

"Can I read it?"

"Maybe depends on how I feel"


'No.' Harry and Niall both stayed with us the rest of break, I wonder where Harrys obnoxious friends are? Wait I don't care.

Then the bell went and they were instantly by his side, like love sick puppies, so me, Niall, Zoe, Haz, Tsara and the dick heads all waddled off to music, we were only waddling because our bags kept hitting one another.

"Miss, earlier today I wrote a song, I was wondering if you could check it out"

"Yeah of course give it to me now I'll read it while everyone is joining us"

"Okay thanks I'll just go take a seat" I went and sat down with my friends and my new found friends.

"Niall I did write a guitar bit but you can read it later"

"Why can't I do it" tsara badgered.

"Because you can't play the guitar tsara, don't matter how much you think/wish you can, you can't"

"Rude" then she turned her back and started speaking to zoe. 

"I've also got some backing vocals"

"I'll do them' Harry interjected.

" your sure"

"More than sure"

"Harley can you come here a minute?"

"Yeah sure" I got up and walked over to miss.


"Well I love it like absolutely, I can't believe you wrote this! Anyway yes I'd like you to perform it to the class. Get there opinion on it and if you get good feedback, I'd like you to record it in the studio" what wow that's amazing noone had ever been in there to record a song, the choir and stuff have made Christmas or tribute albums but never one single.

"Wow that's amazing! Thankyou"

"No thankYOU and I'm going to see if the graphics department will design a cover for it, I know you do graphics but you can't do it. Then people who study media and business will try and see if anyone is willing to help make you release the single, but get the people you need to perform, take 20 minutes rehearsal then come back and perform!"

"Um.. okay, Niall, Harry, and zoe if ya like come with me"

"So you guys are ditching me'"

"Shut up Tsara go make some friends" I chuckled back.

From The StartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя