Chapter 4

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Harley's POV

Eugh! Mornings, I hate them! I should probably turn my alarm off now; its high pitched ring is killing me. I really need to get up I've already hit snooze 7 times for Gods sake. My bed is just too warm. So as I got up I decided to wrap myself in the warm duvet I was cocooned in 30 thirty seconds before. Plodding in to the kitchen I got a wiff of sizzling bacon, sometimes I really do love my Mum. I quickly glanced at the clock ticking on the wall, fuck it was already 8:20 I had to be at college by 8:40 which unfortunately was also a senior school so I still had to put up those walking turtles formally known as year 7's. "Oh, shit!"

"Harley, language!"

"Sorry, do you think you could give me a lift I'm gonna be late"

"Sorry hun, you know I would normally but I really don't have time!"

"Oh damn! Okay well I'm gon' jump in the shower really quickly, when Zoe gets here tell her to go without me, and I'll eat the bacon when I come down"

"okay, I'm really sorry I can't drive you", it would be today wouldn't it , the day I can't get of bed:the day she can't give a lift. The hot water running down my body was almost as enticing as my warm comfy bed..I could stay here stop these slow comforting thoughts. There was only one way I could think of by waking myself up, I'm ashamed I recorded it but it comes in use often . Here we go full volume to Grimmys waking up song. After thirty seconds I was shouting 'Keith lemon says wake yo self up you sexy person you' followed by 'Sarah Harding says wake your self up!' And my person favourite one, Ed Sheeran's 'Please Wake Up.' Okay right now was time to get ready the quickest I have ever done it. 5 minutes later and I am in a pair of skinny jeans with a bluish gray hoodie on, wasnt as though I had anyone to impress, my hair in a slick bun and only mascara and concealer on. I jumped down the stairs 3 at a time with my bag trailing along 2 steps above my feet. I'm beginning to impress myself now as I murder that bacon bap in 2 minutes dead.

I was still going to be late so I decided to run to school. How queer am I running to school, I'm 17 for Fucks sake! I'm not going to see anyone anyway, its a small town but everyone would be in by now. As I rounded the corner that led to the road the park was on I heard this beeping a couple of meters behind me, I quickly glanced round to see the commotion. There was none. It was Harry.

"Omg! Harry dont tell anyone about this, its so embrassing" I could feel my face to redden even more that it already was from the running

"I won't tell if you let me give you a lift" Then he winked. Of course HE would wink.

"Fine." I replied stubbornly, I really didn't want to be late on the second day.

I was running down the corridor about to head up the stairs when the second bell went,"OH FUCK SAKE!" I cursed outloud as I thought I was the only one around. Apparently I was not..

"HARLEY OFFICE NOW!" it was the stupid bitch that liked to say she was in charge of my year; she didnt do anything, I don't know what she told people she did but it was fuck all in my mind.

"What? Why!"

"You were swearing on school premises"

"Oh tough shit it wasn't like anyone was around!"

"How were you to know that clearly you didn't know I was there, there are people 6/7 years younger than you here and I don't appreciate you swearing at me either"

"It's not like I'm a bad influence they all swear anyway!, okay well bye then" I said in an angry tone as I started to climb mount Everest otherwise known as staircase 2.

"Right, detention after school tomorrow!"

"Fuck you" I muttered but just loud enough for her to hear luckily she left it and walked off.

"Harley? Why are you late?"

"Stupid bitch person in the office gave me a detention"

"You know I don't mind you using those words but I'm not allowed to let you speak about a member of staff like that"

"Soz bbe" I saw Niall sitting where we were yesterday so I thought I'd sit with him, he seems like a genuine nice guy, I'm gonna get to know him more, he won't know what's hit him, he's gotta a lovely bum as well, bonus!

"Hey Niall!"

"Oh hey Harley where have you been?"

"Well I was late and then stupid twat down stairs caught me swearing and gave me a detention"

"Ooh damn that's some tight shit, do you know how long you'll be? I was wondering if we could do something I mean it's a Friday and I don't really know anyone else here.."

"Yeah I'd love to but I dont expect you to wait 45 minutes for me"

"Its fine I will I got some course work I can do here anyway, what are buds for?"

"Thanks Niall, so do you wanna come round watch a movie or something?"

"Yup sounds perfect see you then" luckily then the bell went as we'd just killed our conversation, I was strangely looking forward to tomorrow yet a bit nervous, what is this?

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