Chapter 2

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  Khushi looked at the man, speechless. She was so scared and confused -- She shouldn't have even been on that runway in the first place, and now this man... He looked so angry at her, and she didn't know why. She kept on trying to explain to the models, the people, everyone that she did not belong on the runway, but no one listened. Khushi looked away from his eyes, into the flashing lights and cameras. The man looked away too, and he pushed Khushi off of him. 


  "Take her away, interrogate her, and find out which rival company she's from, and why they wanted to ruin my fashion show," Arnuv told two of the security guards.

  They nodded and gripped the girl's arms, taking her away. She had tears in her eyes as she looked at the security guards, making up some stupid story about how she walked into the wrong room. Arnuv felt himself soften when he saw the tears in her eyes, but he quickly burned away the feeling. She was lying, he was sure of it.


  "What company sent you?"

  "Who are you? Why did you guys want to ruin this fashion show?"

   "Stop it!," Khushi shouted.

  "I'm not from any rival fashion company, I'm not even a model! I don't know why I'm here, I was just looking for my sister's fiance!," Khushi realized she was late. If she didn't make it back in time, Pyaal's wedding would be broken. She looked at the security guards and pleaded, "Please, please let me go. If I don't get back in time, the wedding will be broken. Please."

  The security guards sighed in defeat. They locked her in the room, and shortly after, the room door opened again. The man who's arms she had fallen into walked in. Khushi rushed over to him. 

  "Please, you have to believe me. I'm seriously not some model sent by a rival company. I walked in here by mistake, and they thought I was a--"

   "Stop lying. What company sent you? The faster you answer my questions, the faster you get to leave."

  "Don't you get it?! I'm not sent by a company! My sister's wedding will be broken if you don't let me go, please, I can't do this to her."

  Khushi tried walking past him but he grabbed her arm, pulling her back. 

  "Even if what you are saying is true, does it matter? If one guy decides not to like you anymore, you'll just go running after another, won't you?," The man said seethingly. 

  "Enough!" Khushi cried.

  "Don't talk about my sister like that," She told him, anger building up inside of her. "Would you like it if someone said that about your sister, something along the words of what you just told me about mine? No matter how rich you are, you can't pay people to respect you. And you, whatever your name is, don't deserve any respect. Just because you're rich, you really think you can go ahead and say stuff like that about people who aren't as rich as you? Sure, I'm poor, but I have enough to live by on because I eat and drink water every day, I have a place to sleep at tonight, and most of all, I've gained more respect by people than you will ever get."


   For a few seconds, Arnuv was speechless. To this day, no one had spoken against him before. People only said something along the lines of,'I'm sorry, sir,' and gladly, ran away. He never met someone before that wasn't intimidated by him, other than his family. 

  He regained his composure. He grabbed the girl, and pulled on the shirt she was wearing. The fancy shirt's neckline consisted of beads, and the string of beads broke and fell onto the floor, leaving the shirt backless. The girl looked up at him, shocked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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