"Oh, thanks," I Blushed.

The night sky fit perfectly. The stars were twinkling brightly.

"How come we're the only ones outside?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe it was to cold for them," he answered.

I shrugged my shoulders. I heard music start to play behind us.

"Oh who called them?" I giggled.

"I guess it's just what they do," he answered.

I picked up the menu. More than the dinner, I wanted the dessert!

"So what will you get?" Neymar asked.

"Um confit duck with potatoes, and a creme brûlée," I answered.

"That's it?" He asked.

"Yup," I answered.

A man came over with a little note pad.

"Qual é o seu pedido?" He asked Neymar.

They are so sexist! Can a girl not order? Can a girl not be in charge?! Neymar was telling the waiter our orders. He left in a flash.

"I don't like him," I muttered.

"You don't like a lot of people," he chuckled.

"He's sexist!" I exclaimed.

"From the weeks I've Been with you, I have learned not to argue," he Said.

I slapped his arm.

"Loser," I muttered.

I stuck my tongue out.

"Sorry Kat!" He apologized.

The waiter came back with our dishes. That was fast.

"I'm only forgiving you for the food," I teased.

"I feel the love," he frowned.

I sent him a blow-kiss. He caught it and smashed his hand to his lips. I shook my head laughing.

The waiter bowed and left us. The hell? Why'd he bow? So now he wants to show me some damn respect, huh? Well it's too late!

"Did you see what I did to your phone?" Neymar asked.

"Yeah, I still didn't even start deleting them," I chuckled.

"What, why would you want to delete this handsome face?!" He exclaimed.

"I already have enough of you!" I laughed.

"Please, you could never have enough of this face. And you could fall asleep to this face!" He said.

"Yeah, and give me nightmares," I snickered.

"More like dreams," he corrected.

"Sure," I said, sarcastically.

"You're in denial," he winked.

I grabbed my fork and knife and started to cut my potatoes.

"Did you like working with us so far?" He asked.

"Yeah, I've had fun times with you guys. But you're a pain in the ass," I answered.

"But I'm your pain in the ass," he corrected.

"Wow, that's cheesy," I giggled.

"But you like it," he said.

"I love cheesy," I said.

Opposites Do Attract (A Neymar Jr Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now