Oh Yeah, Baby

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One Month Later

Natasha rolled her eyes as she played with the dashboard.

"'Stay in the plane,' they say." She muttered, turning on country music. "'You'll be safe here.' they say." She rolled her eyes and blasted Miss Me More by Kelsea Ballerini. "Ugh, I'm so sick of being pregnant."

"What, you think I like this any more than you?" Loki complained from the back of the plane. "Though the music..." he began singing along with the music in a pleasant tenor.

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you could sing."

Loki shrugged. "Thor and I can both sing, kind of a family thing."

Natasha nodded. "So if you're just going to be sitting here with me, why couldn't I stay at the Tower?"

Loki shrugged. "Back up if they need it." After all the Avengers has been called out on a mission, and since Darcy, Pepper, and Laura were all out of town, a long debate about what to do with Natasha had ensued. In the end, they had agreed to take her along and leave her in the plane, which she would fly around until they were ready to go home. Loki had gotten stuck as babysitter. And now, they waited.

"But I miss me more... miss my own beat to my own snare drum..." Loki's singing broke Natasha out of her thoughts.

"Loki, are you sure we can't go down for just a little while?" Natasha came as close to begging as she ever had.

Loki sighed. "Natasha, for crying out loud! You can't go down there, you're nine months pregnant, not to mention it's a tenuous pregnancy at best. So the answer is no."

Natasha groaned and rugged at her hair.

"But..." Loki added slyly. "If you wanted to shoot some tanks with the plane, I certainly wouldn't say no."

Natasha smirked. "That's why I like you."
"Cap, we could really use some help down here!" Clint called to Steve as he tried to keep six HYDRA agents from stabbing him from various angles.

"Trying!" Steve called back as a tank bore down on him. Steve braces for the inevitable when there was an explosion. He glanced back and saw the quinjet shooting down several tanks bearing down on Thor and Tony. Loki leaped out of the jet and helped Clint get the people off his back. It was only a matter of minutes before the Avengers, tired and sore, were piling back onto the quinjet, leaving the prisoners for SHIELD to take care of.

Bucky glared at Natasha, who was still flying. "I thought I told you to stay in the plane."

Natasha shrugged. "I did. I just did something useful while I was waiting."

"And you!" Bucky whirled on Loki, who was polishing his helmet. "I thought you'd be able to talk reason into her if she wanted to do something stupid!"

Loki shrugged. "She's a formidable enemy. Besides, it looked like you needed help."

Bucky opened his mouth to say more, but Natasha groaned from the front of the plane.

"As much fun as this would normally be, I think we may wish to hightail it to a hospital."

Bucky ran up to Natasha, who had a hand pressed up against her stomach, grimacing. "Are you..."

"In labor? Yep. Looks like the baby wants a piece of the action." She smirked. "It's going to be just like Steve you know."

Bucky ignored her last comment. "Clint, you get to fly. Hightail it to the hospital." Bucky picked up Natasha and carried her to the back of the plane where she sat down.

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