Life's Finally Going Well

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6 months later

"James?" Natasha called out as she walked through their apartment door. "I'm back!" She tiredly set her keys down on the table near the door and was taking her jacket off when a pair of arms wrapped around her.

"I missed you." James murmured into her hair.

Natasha turned around and wrapped her arms around him too, laying her head on his chest. "Missed you too." She mumbled.

He grinned at her. "How was work?" He teased. She just rolled her eyes and groaned.

"I honestly don't think I've ever worked harder, even when I worked for SHIELD." When they had moved back to Brooklyn, Bucky had gotten a job as a teacher and Natasha, just wanting a little normality, had become a waitress at a cafe, which payed remarkably well.

"On that note," James said, smirking. "Fury called again..."

"No," Natasha said firmly, heading to the bedroom to get changed out of her work clothes. "I'm retired."

James chuckled as he sat down on the couch and picked up a newspaper. Natasha was adamant about the fact that she was retired from the whole "save the world" thing. He suspected that she would've gone on missions again though if he'd been allowed to go too. But even though Steve, with a little help from the slowly recovering SHIELD, had managed to get the Accords revoked, Tony was still dead set against Bucky working with them. But even though he knew Natasha was tired and annoyed, he still couldn't resist pushing her buttons.

"I don't know, Tash," he called to her from his position on the couch. "Sounded like a really interesting one."

"No!" Natasha snapped at him, walking out of their room dressed comfortably in sweatpants and one of Bucky's smaller shirts. "I'm retired, Barnes! I don't want anything more to do with that, OK?"

Bucky grinned, knowing that he had her going now. Even though they got along remarkably well, he still couldn't resist getting her riled up sometimes. "Yes, Natasha, you are a retired Barnes. But the way I figure it, if you were to change your name back to Romanoff or Rogers, then you wouldn't be a Barnes anymore and wouldn't have to be retired!" He grinned broadly at his confusing logic as he watched Natasha attempt to process what he'd just said.

"That doesn't even make sense!" She said, walking over to him.

"Sure it does!" He replied, standing up. "You just have to think about it."

"Barnes..." she groaned, tugging a lock of hair.

"Are you talking about you or me?" He teased. It had been one of his favorite parts of marrying Natasha. Not just that every time she complained like that that he was able to turn it back on her but also the fact that she belonged to him. Not that he would've ever put it like that to her. But still.

She rolled her eyes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, which was about the only way to get him to shut up. "You're so annoying." She told him firmly.

"Yeah, but you like me anyway." He told her, picking her up and sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, I do, you big dork." Natasha said fondly, running her fingers through his unkempt brown hair. She much preferred it this shorter length than when it had gotten really long during his time as the Winter Soldier.

"So I was thinking maybe we could have a quiet dinner here and then watch a movie afterwards." James told her, breaking her free of her thoughts of the past.

Natasha smiled. "Sounds great."

"And the best part," he said, leading her into the kitchen. "Is that dinner is already ready!"

Natasha was impressed as she saw the dinner. It was an absolutely amazing smelling lasagna, along with some breadsticks and a few other important side dishes. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "You're the best." She told him.

He grinned at his wife. "Yes, I am aren't I?" She just laughed and gave him a hug.
"Well," Natasha commented after dinner. "That was amazing."

Bucky smiled and gave Natasha a quick kiss. "I'm glad you liked it." He was always happy when he made her happy. Something told him that this was what was going to make their rather unlikely marriage. What he didn't know, was that Natasha felt the same way.

"So," Natasha said, getting up. "How about we do the dishes before we get to the movie?"

"Sounds spiffy." He replied, gathering the dishes.

"James, no one says spiffy anymore."

"Well, they should." He retorted. "It's a wonderful word."

She laughed as she began washing the dishes while he started drying. Natasha eyed James out of the side of her eyes and without warning, she whacked him on the bottom with her soapy rag. She burst into laughter at his shocked face.

"Oh, that's how it is, is it?" He said, a mischievous look coming over his face.

"No," she choked out, still laughing. "Please no."

Bucky ignored her pleas, however, and grabbed the sprayer and soaked her shirt. This in turn earned him another smack with the soapy rag across his chest. He laughed and sprayed her again. This continued for several minutes until they were laughing so hard that they collapsed on the floor next to each other.

Bucky pulled Natasha into his arms, still laughing as he kissed her hair. "Well, looks like I got my shower for the evening!"
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this. It'll get more intense as the book goes on, but I really enjoyed this bit of fluff. The next chapter will be about the movie night.

Have a great day! :D

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