Chapter 3

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I stood up out of my bed. I still couldn't get Neymar out of my head; I am going to be working with Neymar. I brushed my teeth. I slipped on black jeans, a grey top and brown leather jacket. I grabbed my phone and keys and jetted out the door. I Locked the door, and got in my car. I stepped on the gas pedal, and it zoomed to the studio. It was a fifteen minute drive. I parked my car in the parking lot. I hopped out of my car, and I slammed the door shut. I nervously walked up to the door.

"You got this," I breathed to myself.

I turned the knob and walked in. Everyone was rushing around, spilling coffee, practicing, the usual. I walked up to Tiana.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey, are you nervous?" She asked.

"No, I got this," I said.

She gave me a look. I could never lie to her.

"Okay, I'm really nervous!" I corrected.

"I know, hun," she chuckled.

"He's so hot from up close," I gushed.

She shook her head, laughing.

"Be right back, I have to raid the breakfast table," I said.

"As usual," she sighed.

I skipped up to the table. I spotted a cranberry muffin. I reached my hand out to pick it up, but another hand beat me to it.

"Hey that was my muffin!" I exclaimed.

I turned around and saw Neymar munching on my muffin.

"Oh you wanted it?" He asked.

"No, I'll just Grab something else," I smiled.

He walked back over to the stage area, with a bunch of other guys.

"Oh hot damn," I whispered.

He likes muffins and so do I. I picked up a cranberry muffin. I filled up a styrofoam cup with coffee. I walked back to Tiana.

"Is it possible to be that hot?" I asked her.

"Everyone, we are doing a rehearsal," Marty said.

Everyone rushed to their places. Since we haven't yet picked the actual place to film yet, we made the set like a house. I got up to the first stage. Typical teen movie. I was laying down on the frilly bed.

"And...ACTION!" Marty announced.

I yawned and stretched out on the bed. I got out of bed

Opened up my laptop to check for this dance competition.

"Only two weeks left," I whispered to myself.

The started to play girly music. I started to dance around trying on clothes and glasses, and fixing my hair in different styles.

"Lola, hunny come downstairs," my mom yelled.

"Coming mom!" I yelled.

I threw on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie. I raced down the stairs.

"Morning mom," I greeted.

I sat on a stool by the island table. She laid out a plate. I pretended to eat, it's not the shooting yet.

"Anything new happening at school?" She asked.

"Nope, same boring thing everyday," I groaned.

"You're not going to get anywhere with that attitude. You was to be successful like me," my dad said.

"For the last time dad, I don't want to be anything like you," I groaned.

I grabbed my bag, and walked out of 'the house' with my converse that I never take off.

"Scene!" Marty yelled.

I hopped off the stage.

"Great, we introduced her home life. Good job Farrah!" Marty yelled.

I walked to my dressing room. My outfits for the movie was basically every day casual clothes. I Heard a knock at the door. I went to open it. It was Marty.

"Hey Marty!" I greeted.

"Farrah we made a change in script. Instead of the soccer part, you guys will be going for dancing classes together. There will only be one

Scene where you get to know each other, that's where you guys play soccer," he explained.

"When?" I asked.

"Now. Neymar is waiting  for you outside," he said.

"Now!" I exclaimed.

"And Farrah," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Be nice and less of a smart ass," he pleaded.

"What? You don't trust me?" I asked, offended.

"That's the last thing I'd do," he muttered.

I picked up my jacket and ran out of the studio. Oh god, he was sitting in his car. I waved and walked by his car.

"Am I coming with you?" I asked.

"If you want," he answered.


"Sure," I smiled.

I opened the door and sat on the seat. I buckled my seat belt,

And we drove off to some dance studio.


Chappie is done :)

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