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Bambam:Good Morning!
Jackson:Ahh....Why did you wake me up?
Bambam:We have a flight to catch!
Bambam:No get up!
Jackson:*sighs* Fine!!
Bambam:Good!Now go get ready!
Jackson:I am, I am.
(Bambam walks downstairs)
  Jackson:Sometimes I don't know about that kid!
(Jackson gets ready and heads downstairs )
 Jackson:I'm ready bambi let's go!!
Bambam:I'm coming!
 Jackson:Like you said we don't wanna be late!
 (1 hour later and they have arrived at the airport the got their passports and got onto the plane) 

Jackson:Looks like this is going to be a long flight.
Bambam:Haha Yep.
(They both fall asleep hours later Bambam wakes up and looks out the window)

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