Chapter 4

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As bakugou and ochako went downstairs to joined the rest.everyone is sitting waiting for the two missing.As they reach the door and push it to the right and everyone looked at the two

"Where were you two?" Asked Ashido

"What do you care alien girl" Said Bakugou

"Remember when all ran out? Yeah..well I ran into the room" Said Ochako

"Yeah We know you did but Why are you coming down with him ribbit?" asked Tsu to Ochako and the girls around her

"I just happen to get caught by Bakugou ( ̄▽ ̄)....We talked for a while but nothing special" Said Ochako

"Whatttttttt" Said all the girls

"What were you talking to him??
He didn't do nothing bad to you right??"
"Are you hurt somewhere??
He didn't try to fight you either right???"

Worry questions that the girls were asking Ochako

"No no it's nothing like that...Just a little accident happen...but I swear he didn't do anything to me I swear" Said Ochako while getting red

"What type of accident?" Asked Ashido

"Nothing serious...So don't worry about it" Said ochako being all nervous

"What were you doing with Miss uraraka?" Asked Lida

"What do you Fucking care what I do" Said Bakugou

"As your Class Leader I should be aware of what all of you are doing" Said Lida

"We are not at school Fucking Four Eyes" Said Bakugou

"I know we aren't but we are still classmates" Said Lida

"Shut the hell up I wasn't doing anything to the roundface" Said Bakugou getting Pissed off

"Kacchan we are just asking....there's no need for you to......get mad" Said Deku nervously

"SHUT THE HELL UP I DIDN'T DO NOTHING TO YOUR STUPID BITCH" Said Bakugou loud enough for everyone in the room to here and the other rooms close by

"Who are you calling stupid" Said ochako with her eyebrows getting close together (getting mad as well)



"Both of you calm down" Said todoroki


"THEN WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP" Said Ochako getting madder and madder

Everyone was surprised/Shocked of how mad ochako was getting. She was still arguing back with bakugou tho. Everyone else was just watching and whispering to each other.

"could it be that bakugou likes ochako?" Said Sero

"No I don't think that can happen with this guy" Said Kirishima

The Owner of the Hot Springs Enters

"Good evening young people" Said the Owner

Everyone stop what they were doing and looked at the owner

"I would like to introduce myself,I'm Hana Shima but you can call me Miss Hana I'm the current owner of the hotel and the hot springs" Said Miss Hana

"It's a pleasure to meet you Hana-San" Said Momo

"The pleasure is mine" Said Miss Hana

"Thank you very much for having us here and we are very sorry for the disruption those two have caused" Said Lida bent his head down

"No no don't worry about it,Its natural for a couple to fight once in a while" Said Miss Hana

Everyone looks at Bakugou and Ochako with a surprised expression.The two looks away from everyone else.Even Bakugou was quiet for the moment.Ochako was just blushing the whole time.

"Yeah...haha" Said Lida trying not to make it awkwardly

"Oh sorry That's not the reason I came here for, I came to tell you that you won't be able to go in the hot springs until tomorrow" Said Miss Hana

"Oh that's alright thank you for telling us" Said Lida

"My pleasure,enjoy your night and make yourself comfortable" Said Miss Hana and left

"We...should go to eat before going to bed guys" Said Lida trying to get everyone attention

"Yeah...We should haha" Said Denki

Everyone listens and goes to the table and starts eating.

"ITADAKIMASU" Said Everyone after they finished and head back to their rooms

"Good night guys see y'all tomorrow for breakfast" the girls said to the guys

"Yeah goodnight all of you" the guys responded

Nobody questioned Ochako nor Bakugou they were all tired and wanted to sleep But they were going to ask them the next day or whenever they think is good.

I hope you guys like this chapter.Let me know what I can do to improve this story. ~^^~

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