I feel naked (cuz I am)

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                "You have a nice butt," Evan blurted.

                  I turned to look at Evan with such anger. How dare he compliment my butt? He really was a self centered, egotistical, know it all asshole!  

                  I couldn't even stand the sight of him so I turned back around around and stormed into my room but not before slamming the door behind me. Let him open his own goddamn door.

                  I plugged in my headphones and tuned in Lorde's "Royals" while tuning out the rest of the world for a whole half hour.


                  When I woke up with the headphones still in my ear, I felt like I needed to pee. Badly. Without thinking, I got up and ran towards the bathroom door. I just naturally assumed that no one was in there. Although that would be the biggest mistake I could ever make in my entire life.

                  As I opened the door, a cloud of steam escaped and I could hear someone taking a shower. Before I could back away in time, the shower curtain opened slightly and a wet Evan peeked out.

                I screamed and then he screamed and I ran out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I leaned against the door, pained with the sight of a wet and naked...


             "Did you see anything?" Evan asked.

             "No!!" I answered.

             "Why were you in here?" Evan asked.

             "I had to use the bathroom and I didn't know you were in there," I answered.

             "That's what knocking is for, idiot!!" Evan exclaimed.

             "Shut up, Dr.Winkie!" I yelled.

             "Don't you dare call me that," Evan threatened.

             "I can call you whatever I want, Dr.Winkie," I replied.

             "Shut up!!" Evan exclaimed.

               I cackled evilly before going downstairs to use the bathroom and this time, I knocked.



                Mr.Parker and Mrs.Parker were so nice. Nicer than their evil son, of course. He looked just like him though. I think that was the only similarity. Looks.

                All of them had brown hair and smiling blue eyes. Except Evan's eyes held a mischevious smile instead of his parents' kinder smiling eyes.

               We were all in the living room, playing an awesome game of Sorry and Mrs.Parker was beating both my butt and her husband's.

              "You better beg for mercy," Mrs.Parker taunted.

              "Never!!! I will have you begging for mercy," I exclaimed.

               It was my turn now and I made the move. Causing Mrs.Parker to lose.

            "Ha ha ha!! Say sorry!!" I taunted.

            "Noooooo!" Mrs.Parker cried.

            "Can I play?" an annoyingly familiar voice asked.

            "No, Mr.Winkie," I answered.

            "I told you to stop calling me that," Evan retorted, sitting across from me.

            "I told you I can call you whatever I want," I retorted.

            "What's that supposed to mean?" Evan asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

            "Shut up," I answered, rolling my eyes.


              I looked at Lena play Sorry and instantly remember her barging into the bathroom. I really hoped she didn't see anything. That would be embarrassing. Wait, why am I thinking about this???

              "Seriously, can I play now?" I asked.

              "Ok. Your mom is kicking my butt and I don't see any possible sign of winning," Lena answered, getting ready to stand up.

              "Oh, please don't go. I'm quite the competitor," I begged.

              "No. No. I have to go back upstairs and do teenage girl stuff before my mum begins to worry about my brain," Lena replied.

              "I could see why," I said.

              "I would say something smart but I will not stoop to your level. Goodbye, play boy," Lena said before walking back upstairs.

               That girl. She was gonna be the very death of me.

             "Do you like her, Evan?" Mum asked.

             "What? Mum? She slammed the door in my face, she eats like one of my best friends, and she barged in on me in the shower. Without knocking!!" I answered.

             "Keep calm, son. It was just a question. Didn't need to get so defensive. It's ok to like her. She's very pretty and a nice lady. She'll be a nice change from all the other bimbos you invited to the house," Dad said.

             "They weren't bimbos. They were just...not as smart as you would've liked," I replied.

             "Meaning bimbos, dear," Mum said.

             "Whatever. I'm not ever going to go out with Lena Milligan," I said.

             "Don't make a promise you can't keep," Mum said.

             "Can we play Sorry already?" I asked, annoyed.

             "Ok, Evan," Dad answered with a smile.

               Grrrrrrr, Dad. Grrrrrr.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2014 ⏰

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