Massage - Damien x William

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I love these two so much. Have some man love everyone! ALSO, I like to point out that the office in the manor belongs to William/The Colonel in this fic (after all he grew up in the manor, am I right?)

[ No smut! ]
It had been a hell of a week for The Colonel, as he still, were in his office on a saturday evening doing paperwork. He was sitting leaned over his desk with the quill in his hand ready to continue with the paper in front of him, but he had lost track och words. Even though he had been working all week, it seemed as if the paper piles would never be reduced. Staring blankly at the paper in front of him he felt his mind slowly buzzing away once more. He slaps himself in the face to wake up, he winced and shaked his head. His focus didn't last long. In just seconds later he found himself glaring blankly on the wall across the room, that made him realize how tired he actually was. The Colonel did indeed look very tired and haven't slept properly in days. All he could wish for was to get some hours of sleep, but he didn't have that time.
  Other then work he had been busy hunting. Hunting was something he did whenever he got bored, or had to relive some emotion, which might seem like a bad way to vent because hunting takes a lot of effort. To summarize the plot, he never rested.
  The Colonel sighs and closed his eyes, which was a mistake. He couldn't resist to slumber off into dreams and didn't feel his head dropping. He didn't feel anything, until the pain of his head getting smashed against the desk edge had got to him. He woke up in a instant.
  "Bloody hell!" he shout and massaged his forehead.
  "William?" a familiar voice called from outside his office door.
  "Yes.." he growled, his head was slowly pounding.
The door opened and a casual looking man in a black enterd. It was Damien, The Mayor. He had let himself in and was about to close the door behind him when he took sight of the tired Colonel. He opened his mouth to say something, but the Colonel was faster, somehow.
  "How was work?"
  "Oh, em.. good" the Mayor answered quickly. He didn't care to go into detail, not when the person he cared about looked like this. Busy watching the Colonel up and down he then asked. "How about you? You- You don't look to well."
  "Could been better" William let his hands fall onto the desk, feeling more clearly how they were pounding, especially his writing arm. His whole body was pounding of fatigue and there was almost no point in hiding it now when Damien was here. This man in front of him knew him too well.
  "Let me take care of you, you seem to need some caring."
  "I'm- I still need to work, I'm far from done, Damien."
  "It's saturday evening, not even I work at this time. You got to take care of yourself, Will.." Before William could come up with another excuse the Mayor had already stepped up towards him and began to move away all the paper piles out of his range.
  "Damien.." he wailed drowsy. "I need to-"
He had lost the rest of his sentence, he was taken of guard by a pair of dark sparkling eyes. Damiens beautiful dark eyes were smiling at him. He could even swore he saw in a flash of a second how a vague smile covered his anxious face, witch made him melt a little.
  "You need rest. Let me massage you dear, that always helps me when I'm stressed."
He slid forward putting on a more loving tone to his voice. "Well, you're always the one to take care of me when I'm all burned out from work, because I work to much and... you know" he paused to take the quill out of Williams hands before continuing. "Allow me this time, I can help you with your work later if you'd like.." he had lowered his voice slightly which gave William the chills. At a situation like this he knew he didn't have to answer him, Damien would do it anyway, but he nodded and smiled back.
  Damien sat down casually on the desk and turned the Colonel to the side so he could massage his shoulders and neck.
  The Colonel didn't know how much in need he was of a good massage, but he really was. It was true what The Mayor had said. Normally William was likely to give Damien massages, he liked giving, but he never knew how good it'd feel to get one himself.
  Pleasantly he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he let Damiens thumbs press and squeeze the back of his neck, the massage of his very stiff neck was exactly what he needed. He loved the great feeling of the Mayors hands cupping right below his jaws massaging his stiff spots, it was unscriblebly pleasing. Feeling Damiens thumbs moving slowly upwards, he almost didn't notice how they reached his temples. As soon as they did, it caused him to shiver and feeling relaxed like never before. Dropping all his control he let his mouth hang open, thereafter was followed by a satisfied moan.
  Damien smiled for himself as he felt Williams body finally drop (he could see how his shoulders dropped a few inches). He would normally have hesitated to say what he was about to say, but he was clearly in the mood.
  "You've been such a good boy, my dear.." He whispered in the Colonel's ear. He got an respond of William moaning once more. He could feel his cheeks heat. "..I'm so proud of you.." he added, blushing.
  William gasped as Damiens fingers pressed harder on the stiffest points on his face. Damien bit his bottom lip as another small sound of pleasure escaped his lovers mouth. Smoothly he continued to massage the Colonels jaws but moved so he stood opposite him. A small shiver rushed froth him when he saw Williams face expression, all relaxed. He just couldn't avide glaring at his mouth hanging open, he gulped. He just couldn't just stand there, he had to-
  "This was just what I needed, thanks Dami-" The Colonel spoke but got interrupted.
The Mayor had tilted his head, still massaging kissed William deeply, entering his tongue inside his mouth. In surprise -as much as he had energy to react- William shook slightly but leaned into the kiss smiling. He closed his eyes and so did Damien. He didn't have to do anything, Damien had him, he got lost in him.
  Damien pushed Williams head close to his own, taking his time. He explored his lovers mouth in every inche there was. It didn't matter how many times he had done it, he never got tired of it. The taste of William was something he never would get tired of. The Colonel moaned again. What he had missed him, he thought. He broke of to give William some rest and to get air, he knew how tired he was.
  "Honey let's call it a-"
  In Damiens chock he felt being dragged forward, he got greeted by a warm, soft pair of lips. William had grabbed his suit and begun kissing him, he just wouldn't let him do everything. Damien smiled between the kissing, feeling very warm and tingly inside. Although, when he opened his eyes a bit he could  without any doubt how tired William was. His hand still clenched weakly to his suit. Damien held it with his own, removing it gently. He made William give in and took back the command by kissing him a few more times. Finishing it off he gave a final kiss on the cheek.
  He had sort of expected it to happen, but it still made his heart jump in his chest. The Colonel had gotten so relaxed after the massaging and the love, he had fall asleep. With his mouth still open he had begun to snore peacefully. The Mayor could not stop smiling and stroke away the hair covering Williams sleepy face.
  "You sweet little thing" he said under his breath, feeling how he got tired just by looking at him. He didn't leave, he wanted to stay a little while longer. Watching William, finally asleep made him feel so peaceful.
  He didn't know how long he had sat on Williams desk watching him sleep, but after a few minutes he sighed and kissed William softly on the forehead before standing up.
  "Now... let us call it a day, goodnight love." Carefully he lifted the Colonel up in his arms and carried him away towards their bedroom.
Remember! I have dyslexia and there will be bad spelling so feel free to correct me if you find anything. I hope my motivation for this work will hold on and I'll do my best to keep up!
As I said: requests are open!

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