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- haha where?
-idk her
- unproblematic duh

-gets all up in your face n' stuff
- usually ends with him slamming the door and leaving
- after a couple hours though he comes back with food and apologizes
- after that though, you better be ready to plant your butt in your bed for the next week because your his tEDDY bEAR

-actually real chill ab it
- no screaming, there's nothing being flung
- y'all just have a normal conversation about it and das all

- doesn't get up on your face, but he does leave
- he just doesn't have the time to "deal with your childness."
- regrets after and comes back the next day with flowers

- legit would stop mid-sentence
- would feel so bad
- would apologize everyday for the next week
- soft

- it would be a misunderstanding
- you would both feel bad

- you'd basically just ignore each other until you were over it
- lil toxic

- no lmao

- she'd rant to Kaycee about the fight and she would talk some sense into her and she'd come y'all to you ab it
- stan Kaycee Rice for clear skin that's all

-she lives in Canada lol you don't got time for arguments
- but if you do it's just cause y'all miss each other

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