Chapter 15- Not laughing now

Start from the beginning

Laughing Jack didn't know why but he found this torture rather fun. It wasn't so bad after all to be chained to a bed and whipped by an attractive nurse who was his best friend. That thought was actually rather... thrilling!

"Why do you keep grinning at me like that?" She snarled.

"I am just very happy to see my best friend after so many years again!"

"Shut it! I'm not your best friend!"

"You are and always will be."

 She let out a deadly growl and crawled on the bed over to him.

"You piss me off, clown."

She leaned over to him, their faces only inches apart. The last time their faces were so close was ten years ago when he had failed to kill her. He stared into her (e/c) eyes. She had always been cute as a kid but he never thought she would turn out so... beautiful.

"I hate you so much..." She whispered.

Then she did the most unexpected thing. She leaned over, closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his. He was rather shocked but gave in anyways. Why was she doing this? Her tongue forced itself into his mouth, playing with his own. What kind of game was this? She started sucking on his tongue and Laughing Jack held his breath. This felt so strange and nice at the same time.

She parted her lips from him. "Your tongue is black and white, too? That's interesting." Laughing Jack was too bewildered to think of anything to say and before he knew it he felt her teeth grazing against the skin of his neck, sending shivers down his spine and he started to moan.

He couldn't tell what he was feeling but he knew he was getting excited and maybe even.. aroused? Either way, Laughing Jack had never felt such before.

 Blood secreted out of the bite and her steel claws started shredding his clown outfit down to his jumper pants and she destroyed the zipper. She proceeded to take off the white nurse dress, revealing a gorgeous body underneath.

She stripped her stockings off and Laughing Jack's eyes never dared to blink once. She then ripped off her panties and bra. He stared at her soft ample breasts and her exposed womanhood, feeling so lost, he didn't even know what to think right now.

"You can't imagine how mad I am at you." She hissed as she took his shaft and tried to insert it into her womanhood. So this must be what adults play. He felt like a fool for thinking they were boring.

Laughing Jack gasped as he felt her moisture warm walls embrace his manhood, causing his legs to shake. What was this game? It was... too good. His heart pounded in his chest like crazy. (n) bore her claws into his arm and Laughing Jack groaned to the pain and pleasure. She began moaning as well and clawed him even more.

"I hate you... so... much... Why... did you... leave me..huh?" She groaned angrily as she moved her hips up and down, making him crazy.

"I-I'm so sorry- I-I-'ll never leave you-" He panted heavily.

"You're.. a jerk!" She bit his neck ferociously again in her wrath, causing Laughing Jack to twitch all over. He wanted to touch her too, but the chains disabled him.

"I-I'm so sorry-!" He whimpered. He felt like a child, so weak, defenseless, pathetic, manipulative and unable to think logically, but he liked it. It felt like she put him under a spell that would make him do anything for her and suddenly his regret washed over him, stronger than ever. Why did he leave her? How could he be so blind? He felt how angry she was and now she was torturing him with unbearable pleasure.

"Ah... I'll never... forgive you!" She sped up the movement of her hips and buried her steel claws into his flesh, but Laughing Jack only moaned more to his given punishment.

"Please... forgive me! I-I won't leave... you a-again!" It was so hard to talk under the control of this heat and his body was already bloody but he could't care less. He just wanted her forgiveness so badly, he would do anything.

"You... fool!! A-am I not ... good- ah!... enough for... you?" She had an equal difficulty to talk yet her voice and her motion all came from her raw anger she releasing on him.

 Laughing Jack was no longer able to talk as he felt her riding him hard and aggressively and he could longer control himself.  He gasped at the moment where he could no longer hold back and an intoxicating pleasing feeling shot through his body and he felt it coming through his member. He shivered.

He suddenly understood why Isaac was so angry art the girl who rejected his affection. This adult "game" was too worthwhile to miss and he had to admit he never played a better game before. (n) was really something special.

(n) panted heavily and glared down at him. She gave him a good trashing but Laughing Jack didn't mind. He just hoped she would forgive him now.

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