Chapter 1: New Beginnings and Family's Love

Start from the beginning

"He's not a very nice person" Shay told me, and skipped down the hallway, showing me all the bedrooms in the house. Shay was adorable, like the perfect little sister, Annoying, but you couldn't help but be mesmerized by her. She was a sweetheart.

"Come get lunch!" my aunt called and Shay skipped down the stairs. I followed her and I heard Colton leave his room and follow us. My aunt was right; Colton did come down only for food. I walked into the kitchen. The kitchen was large, with white cupboards and black countertops. There was a circular glass table with six chairs sitting around it. My aunt had placed all the food on the table.

"Were vegetarians" Shay stated. I nodded. I did like meat, but I guess if I was going to be living with this family I was going to have to follow their eating habits.

"No" my aunt said "we don't eat red meat"

"Its torture" Colton told me as he sat down.

"I've told you a thousand times" my aunt said sitting down with us. "You don't have to be a vegetarian if you don't want to. But I am not buying red meat."

Colton groaned and grabbed a celery stick. My aunt had made a stir-fry, with peppers, black beans, mushrooms and chicken. There was also a tray of raw celery and carrots. I scooped some of the rice into my plate. The basement door opened and another boy came out. He had blond hair like Shay, though he was a foot and a half taller than her.

"That's Keegan" shay pointed out. He waved at me. I waved back.

"You must be the cousin Chloe my mother has been raving about for the past week and a half"

I nodded and continued eating my stir-fry. It had been so long since someone else made me something to eat. It felt good, though I still felt as if I didn't belong. The boys didn't seem excited at all to meet me, Shay treated me as if I was a new puppy, and I think my aunt just felt sorry for me. But how could I blame her?

"So tonight" my aunt started "were going out to dinner to celebrate your coming to live with us. What kind of food would you like? We can go for Italian, or Japanese, or Chinese-"

"Sushi!" Colton shouted. Shay pitched in and they both chanted together "sushi! Sushi! Sushi!"

My aunt sighed. "Do you like sushi?" she asked me.

"I've never tried it" I admitted. Shay and Colton's mouths both dropped open.

"Is that legal?" Colton asked me. I felt awkward. I never ate out, let alone tried sushi. I basically lived off of whatever I could easily cook. Eggs, pasta, sandwiches. I never ate anything complicated.

"I guess I can try it" I told them. And they cheered. I smiled at their innocence. Shay was only eight, and Colton was twelve. They were both really cute kids, though none of my cousins looked like my aunt.

After lunch, I helped my aunt clear the table and wash the dishes. It was something I did out of habit now. I was so use to taking care of myself, I forgot that other kids didn't have to worry about making sure their house was spotless and they were out of the way before their parents got home.

"Susan?" I asked. My aunt turned to look at me. "I was wondering if there were any places I could apply for a job around here."

"A job?" she looked shocked "honey, you don't need a job. We're going to take care of you for as long as you need."

"I know" I smiled "but I really liked having a job before. Do you know any places close by?"

She looked up, thinking. "There's always Sophie's, the cafe down the street. I know their always looking for people to hire."

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