"W-whats doya wanth?"

For the most part.

"Hank. Are you drunk?" I sighed.

"Ha! Like youda care!" the gruff voice of Hank said.

"Look just call me back once you're not drunk. If not I'll just comeover. See ya." I ended the call and groaned. He just had to be drunk, of course.

I walked back inside "Wheres Connor?"

"Dont know." Gavin spat.

"Thanks." I looked around not seeing him, walking through the yard, the kitchen and living space, some bedrooms, untill I remembered what he said about the hole above the shower.

"Connor!" I mumbled standing below the opening unaware f what was going on. The sound of muffled voiced above me. "What going on up there?"

"I was just defending myself." The deviant voiced ."He was gonna kill me... I'm begging you. Dont tell them."

"It's here detective!" Connor shouted.

I stepped back calling mg for backup "Mavrick! Get over here, we have a situation!"


The room was quite, plain, uncomfortable. The tension between myself and the deviant was rising as we stared at each other. My questions not getting through to him.

"Say something!" I frustratedly pounded my fist in the table before exiting the room. "I need a break."

I sat down at the window that peered into the room "I dont get it. I always get through."

"Maybe we should rough it up." Gavin brought up. "Its not human."

"Androids dont feel pain." Connor contradicted "You would only damage it. Not to mention now deviant are prone to self destruct when put under pressure."

"Then what should we do?" I asked.

"I could try questioning it." Connor replied earning a boastful laugh from Gavin.

I rolled my eyes at the Gavin's actions "Go ahead Connor. I trust you."

Connor walked into the room, taking the seat across from the deviant. He spoke up calmly, "My name is Connor, what about you?" Connor continued to use comforting words to get through but it wasnt working...

"28 stab wounds,!" the deivant become tense st Connors new words. Now we where getting somewhere. "You stabbed him again, and again, and again!"

"Please, please leave me alone."

"I know you killed him, why dont you say it."

"Just say you killed him!" Connor grabbed the deviant by his collar. "Just say it!"

"He tortured me everyday." The deviant began as he fell to his chair. "I did everything he asked, but something was always wrong. This time he took a bat and began to beat me with it. I felt... scared." He continued with his story of what happened.

"rA9, what does it mean?"Connor asked.

"The day shall come when we will no longer be slaves. No more threats, no more humiliation. We will be the masters."

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