"Didn't we just do this?" Kakashi mused quietly, only for me to hear.

I rolled my eyes, giving a slight nod.

"Come on! It's not my fault rabid dogs attacked me!" he whined.

I stayed silent, still not looking at him.

I heard Kakashi sigh quietly, and almost fell out of my chair when he poked my side.

I glared at him, and he gave me an innocent look.

I turned back around, and reached for some chopsticks.

I felt another jab, and squeaked.

I continued to 'break them apart' but stopped and grabbed Kakashi's hand before he could do it again.

I narrowed my eyes playfully at him, "Quit using my moves and words. It's not fair!"

"I'm the copy-cat ninja: that's kinda my specialty," he laughed, tugging his hand away.

"Um.. I'm still here ya know..." Naruto reminded us loudly, while slurping on his ramen.

I whispered quietly into Kakashi's ear, and he rolled his eyes at my childish antics.

"She says you have to give her a heartfelt apology and promise to never do that again," he passed my message on to Naruto.

"I'm really, really sorry about the pretty plants, Lady! I promise, I won't do it again!" he exclaimed across Kakashi, ramen hanging from his lips.

I turned to him, "Apology accepted..."

"Naruto Uzamaki! I'm gonna be Hokage one day! Believe it!" a large chunk of ramen spewed from his mouth as he spoke, landing in Kakashi's hair.

Staring at the half-eaten food gob, I shuddered in disgust.

"I'll believe that when I see it," I said, using my chopsticks to pick the...gob out of the silvery hair. Immediately flinging the whole apparatus away, I broke apart a new pair and continued eating.

"Thanks," Kakashi muttered, looking (the visible part at least) slightly pale.

I nodded, not looking up from my little piece of heaven!

Half an hour later, we had escaped the obnoxious little kid and the gossipy old man and were seated comfortably at the table in Kakashi's dining area.

"Well... That was an intriguing day..." I commented, my head in my arms, eyes drooping.

"Hmhmmm..." Kakashi agreed quietly.

"Imma go shower now..." I said tiredly, getting up and going through to the bedroom to rummage through my bags for pjs. I pulled out a random pair and stepped into the small bathroom, closing and locking (Come on! He reads Icha Icha Paradise!) the door behind me. I turned on the water and jumped in after stripping off my clothing.

It was then I realized that I didn't buy shampoo.... Oh well. Kakashi's smells good anyways. I quickly washed up, and rinsed, and stepped out of the shower. I moved the water off of my body and out of my hair and quickly slipped into my clothes, which consisted of black shorts and a shirt with a pink chibi panda on the front.

I brushed through my hair quickly, and brushed my teeth. I decided I was done and stepped out, and flopped(A/N Like Prodigious's cat) onto one side of the bed.

My eyes closed, but my brain refused to shut down.

I heard Kakashi stop by my side of the bed, then turn and walk away. The sound of a drawer opening followed.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now