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Harvey smirked at me once more, and I felt murderous. How dare he do this to me: ruin my life and break my heart. Harvey knew Samantha was the only girl I would ever love, yet he proceeded to steal her from me. Sure, I had teased him a bit about never getting a girl - but did that honestly matter so much? Yes, I'll admit I did slag off his mother - however, all teenage boys do!

I growled at him, but he merely laughed at me. His laugh infuriated me more, making my blood boil.

"You know she never even loved you," he jeered, flanked by his cronies, "that's why she was so... easily... persuaded to ditch you and date me." He paused for dramatic effect. "I'm sure that hurts," Harvey said, "after all, you loved her!" He approached me, eyes flashing with enjoyment as he saw my suffering as I nearly broke into tears. "Do you hate me yet?" he whispered roughly, "do you want to tear me apart, limb from limb?"

I took a deep breath and watched as he threw his empty bottle of Pepsi away.

"No," I said simply.

Harvey looked behind him, at his henchmen and let out a forced laugh before rounding on me and snapping: "why not?"

"Because I poisoned your bottle of Pepsi," I told him, a grin on my face from ear to ear. As he looked at me, I laughed manically. "You've been poisoned!"

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