The Second Prophet

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He knew it all along As he stared at his flickering monitor,the pictures in the wall and the piles of evidence he realized something He was always there Abraham Lincoln was seen chatting casually with a friend The friend was never known Gandhi always said he had a friend of great wisdom Reports from Nazi generals have said Hitler lived in fear of the one person that could end his entire Reich But no one knew who any of these ghost like people were There was no evidence of they're existence As the man reliesed of the magnitude of his discovery he began to sweat He felt a warm presence Almost drug like For he felt warm and almost in a dream He turned around to see a man Then he got bitch slapped and was knocked unconscious And while skeeter took the evidence He looked to the poor man and decided to bless him for his skill and determination So he bent down Lightly grazing his fingers across the man And then by some miracle He turned blackNo matter how many of us you kill. No matter how long you battle. No matter how hard you try, The followers of Black Skeetah will always prevail. Black Skeetah Gives power to all, and to whom Black Skeetah gives power, there will be great loyalty. No amount of your petty armed "soldiers" can change that. So Try. Try and try on forever. But Remember this one thing... You... Will never... Win...

(Written by Sausage)

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