Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"This is beautiful Cas," she called out to him as she turned to walk back up the sand.

Standing next to Cas she closed her eyes for a moment and outstretched her arms letting the sun into her skin, a peaceful heat fell on her body suffocating her with an overwhelming sensation.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about Cas?" she remembered why they were here and turned to Cas who had his eyes set on the horizon.

"I know who you are," he replied still looking at the horizon his voice stern but weary.

Jane's heart stopped and she looked up at him trying to find his feelings in his eyes. No she thought finding it hard to breathe. She closed her eyes and shook her head slowly placing herself down onto the sand. She pulled her legs up close to her chest and looked back up at Cas once more who was now looking at her intently. She thought for a moment thinking maybe he knows something she doesn't maybe she isn't what she thinks she is, maybe this is a good thing but as Cas sat next to her and gave her a concerned stare she knew that wasn't it.

"You know, don't you?" he didn't really asked more insisted on knowing if she knew, Jane understood that no matter what Cas would put the guys first and if that meant getting rid of her because she was a danger that was what he was willing to do.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered a little as she replied holding her knees close

Cas signed knowing that she was lying, he held his glare staring her in the eyes.

She looked at him for a moment and saw the disappointment only to look at the ground once more.

"You know what I'm talking about don't you," he pulled out a small necklace from his trench coat pocket something she knew but couldn't remember where she had seen it.

"What is that?" she asked starring at little trinket, it was a circular silver locket with the word love engraved on the front.

He signed again putting it back into his pocket "Nothing, I was hoping it would help," he leant back into sand with hands behind him. "Please don't lie to me, you remember things, don't you?" it sounded as if he was pleaded for her to be truthful

"I-I, she stammered and toke a strong swallow realising she had no other choice. "Yes," she whipped her eyes as she vision started to blur not now she thought not wanting to cry.

"What do you remember?" he sat back up straight looking intently again at Jane.

"I remember Crowley," she started and Cas looked at the ground his hands clenched in fists in the sand. "I remember things that I have done," she croaked "Terrible things to good people," she punched the sand in a fist and Castiel looked up at her face it enraged and stiff.

"This can't be happening," she almost shouted her voice frustrated as she stood, Cas quickly following her.

"Jane, I'm sorry, but it's true," he went to put a comforting hand on Jane's shoulder but she pulled away

"You talked to Crowley didn't you," she looked up at him her face red with frustration; she couldn't believe that this was happening, and she couldn't believe that everything she has visioned everything she had seen her do she actually did.

"Yes, and everything you have seen is true," he said somewhat less concerned then before as if her frustration was rubbing off on him

"This can't be happening," she exclaimed throwing her arms in the air. "I don't want to be....that," she struggled to say what she knew she needed to as she shouted.

"Demon Jane that it what you-," Jane interrupted Castiel with a slap to the face.

She shot her hand up to her mouth shocked at her actions, she just slapped an angel. "Oh my god Cas, I'm-I'm so sorry," she pleaded for forgiveness as she slowly fell back to the sitting position

"I just can't come to turns with what I am, I can't believe it," she muttered her hands shaking

After Jane slapped him Cas stood still his face turned to the side but watched her as fell to the sand again. "Jane, I understand but what you are forgetting is that you were a human once," he waited until she looked comfortable to sit back down next to her.

He slowly placed an arm around her shoulder awkwardly trying to comfort her but not knowing really how to.

"What are you trying to say, that somehow I can stay like this, I can feel it Cas. The memories are changing me aren't they?" she exclaimed asking him for the truth not looking him dead in the eyes searching for something.

"Yes, but-,"

"Don't, but, me Cas please. I don't want to talk about this anymore, I don't want to believe this," she wrapped Cas's hand around her waist tighter and turned into him. Curled her body up into his chest and held her breathe. "Take me back," she said.

Again she felt a shake in her body and a shift in the wind. And when she felt the hard wood of the motel floor she knew she was back. She stood as soon as they were settled and pushed Cas away from her making the distance more than just physical. She looked up at him with sad eyes her face still red.

"You will need to tell Sam and Dean," Castiel face was concerned as he kept his distance.

"I will," Jane looked down not giving Cas any eye contact

"Jane," he pulled her attention to look at his face his eyes bluer then blue. "If you don't tell them I will,"

Jane nodded and Cas disappeared.

Luckily the guys didn't get home until sometime that night and Jane was in bed, she didn't want them to see her face after her encounter at the beach, she was to frustrated, confused and upset to see them not to mention she was conflicted.

She now knew that Castiel knows the truth and she will tell Sam and Dean if she doesn't so the question running through her mind was when the tell them and how?!

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