"I'm being forced to marry."

"Forced to marry?" She couldn't help but repeat his words.

Seeing Isabel's surprised expression, Archer gave a small, wry smile. Right, that would be the normal reaction for anyone.

For the first time since he sat down, Archer brought the glass to his mouth and he downed it one go.

"Hey, hey, take it easy."

Seeing the man's eyes water as he forced down a double shot of scotch, Isabel moved before she could think and started patting his back, her brows drawing together in concern.

Aye, why couldn't she mind her own business? She just had to go and stick her foot in it, didn't she? Couldn't she see someone drowning in their woes and just leave them be? No need to play Dr. Phil, but no, she had to ask.

"Go easy on the drinks alright. Too much alcohol leads to bad choices."

Honestly, Archer was fine, it was just the intensity of the drink made his eyes water a little, but when he heard those words he suddenly had the urge to laugh and he ended up having a coughing fit as he leaned against the counter.

He was only a bit frustrated; she made it sound as though he was contemplating suicide or something and it was only his first drink. For some reason her undue concern reminded him of himself when it came to his brother and drinking.

Trooper was never good with alcohol, but yet it was his favorite pastime. Archer had lost count of how many stupid things that free spirited older brother of his had gotten himself into that he needed to get him out of whenever he fell drunk. Even when he was already a married man with a family, whenever he was leaving the house Uncle Sam would always chide him, 'don't drink too much', as if he was still a rebellious teen.

Recalling those memories, Archer felt his mood improve slightly as he finally managed to clear his airways and stop coughing. He sat up.

"I'm alright. Thank you."

"Are you sure, do you need some water?"

At that point, Archer couldn't hold back and chuckled slightly, his eyes narrowing in amusement while looking at Isabel.

"I'm not that weak to alcohol, I actually have a very good tolerance level."

Realizing that she had just gone mother hen on a grown man that wasn't part of Sunshine, Isabel felt slightly embarrassed and she ducked her head sheepishly while moving back to her seat.


Looking at her with her head lowered while she twiddled with her thumbs in her lap in obvious embarrassment, Archer couldn't help thinking that she was cute and although he couldn't sense any ulterior motives from her and her conduct so far seemed to say that she didn't know who he was nor was she interested in him, if 'Ruby' did have some schemes, Archer felt that he wouldn't mind whatever it was she had in mind if it was her.

Standing behind the counter, forgotten, the bartender looked at the current scene, his heart bleeding with envy.

Hey, he saw the beauty first, bro you can't just intrude on another person's operation alright! There was a code about these things.

He had completely forgotten that this guy was still here. He was a regular costumer and he also had a close relationship with the boss, so as an employee he knew that he couldn't get on this man's bad side if he wanted to keep his job.

Glancing down at Isabel's fair neck and slim shoulders that were exposed through her hair as she lowered her head, he heaved a deep sigh of regret before turning back to polishing glasses. Who was he kidding, he didn't have a chance to begin with let alone now that Mr. Tall Rich and Handsome had shown up, it was just a pipe dream.

Isabel was embarrassed half to death. Gah! She was so used to babying the people around her and because 'Sage' had that slightly vulnerable air around him a moment ago, almost like a child she had unknowingly mothered him. Geez, how disconcerting.

Sensing the mortified air around her, Archer had to stop himself from laughing, really too cute.

He turned and waved to the bartender. "Another scotch and another of whatever she's having."

Hearing his words Isabel glanced up, her face still slightly red and she felt slightly indignant when she saw the obvious glint of mirth in the man's eyes, but she only had herself to blame so she couldn't complain.

"It's been a while since I've drank my sorrows, accompany me for a bit?"

Those words made Isabel shudder. They sounded simple, but if the right person heard them, they would understand exactly how deep they were. Not to drink your sorrows away but to 'drink your sorrows'; it had the meaning to pour out then consume and keep hidden the most painful things inside of you.

Sizing up the man next to her properly for the first time, Isabel somehow felt a sense of kindredness and she subconsciously relaxed, her mouth forming a slight pout as she rolled her eyes.

"Since you're offering, does that mean you'll pay for my drinks too?"

Archer raised his eyebrow at her and was stunned by the teasing light he saw in her golden eyes. She was actually teasing him?

Isabel watched with wide eyes as a smile slowly bloomed on 'Sage's' features, it was a breathtakingly perfect expression. She slightly stared and his next words made her blush as he spoke in the mesmerizing tone.

"Mmm, I'll take responsibility for you tonight."

Slightly miffed at being caught off guard like that, but knowing that the man was only teasing, Isabel puffed up her cheeks childishly without a care for her image and turned her head away from him in a huff.

Archer laughed on seeing her immature reaction, thinking that she looked like a kitten with its claws bared, absolutely adorable and suddenly, he felt himself hoping that this woman did have some intentions towards him because of she didn't it would be truly disappointing and a waste.

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