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"Luke, wake up."

"Luke, c'mon get up."

"Boy get your ass up."

I opened my eyes an saw the boys and Liam. I groaned and rolled over. Michael walked over to my side and put his hand to my forehead.

"Fever," he said.

"Both of them," Liam said.

"Shit!" I exclaimed rushing from bed and puking my guts up in the toilet. It's really bad when you haven't ate anything and your like puking up stomach acid. It sucks.

"Alright, you shower and get back in bed," Calum told me as I sat in the floor.

"I don't want to get up," I whined.

"C'mon," he spoke as he helped me up.

"Emma's up," Ashton called.

I walked in and she was sitting up.

"Hey sweat pea, how do you feel?" I asked her from the doorway.

She looked at me and her cheeks were flustered and she looked so tired. I walked to her and pressed my hand to her forehead. She's warm.

"You've got a fever," I mumbled.

"And so do you," Liam spoke.

"She's more important. I have to take her to the doctor," I told them.

"We'll take her. Get in that bed," Ashton said.

"But," I said.

"No buts. You don't have to go to sleep, okay? Just stay here and we'll go. You've probably got the same thing so we'll just get extra medicine," Calum spoke as Liam left. Paul called him into a meeting.

I sighed as they got her dressed and they left. I wanted to go. I showered and slid on my sweatpants and a t-shirt. I grabbed my computer and put in 'Bad Grandpa'.

As the movie was ending Calum walked in with Emma in his arms. She was crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he passed her to me.

"She got a shot," Michael said.

"Awe," I whispered kissing her forehead.

"What's she got?" I asked.

"Stomach virus, so we got double the medicine because she got sick a few times while we were there."

I sighed as Ashton tossed the medicine. Emma was looking at my computer screen, which was a picture of us.

"What time are we leaving?" I asked.

"3 a.m.," Michael groaned.

"But we're driving the tour bus this leg since we're in America so you can rest and not get jet lagged," Calum said.

"I don't want to load," I whined.

"You know we can load now, right? Harry begged because he didn't want to get up pack and then load because he won't be tired anymore. So they just unlocked both buses."

I immediately stood up and packed and they laughed. I grabbed our things and we went and put them on the bus. As we were walking out Zayn and Louis were coming off theirs.

"Hey, how do you guys feel?" Louis asked pressing his lips to Emma's forehead.

"Like shit. Both got a stomach virus so we'll leave so we don't get anyone ill," i said as Calum and Ashton made us leave.

"Daddy?" she whispered in my neck.

"What's up little duck?" I asked.

"I'm thirsty," she said as she looked up at me.

"We'll get a milkshake in a little bit," I whispered as she nodded.

Ashton, Michael, and Calum went to their rooms and Emma and I snuck out. We got into the car and drove to New Jersey so they won't find us in New York. I'm a grown ass man they can't tell me what to do. (sorry, I've watched WAY too much Tyler Oakley.)

We arrived at a McDonalds drive thru and I got two vanilla milkshakes and chicken nuggets for both Emma and I. Just incase we get hungry.

We drove back to the hotel and Emma sipped on her milkshake. I pulled into the back parking lot and we rushed inside so no one would know that we left. We walked into the hotel room and I set the food down.

"Hungry doll?" I asked her.

"No daddy," she whispered.

I picked her up and gave her a quick bath, washing her hair and blow drying it. I laid her in bed so she could watch movies on my laptop. Once I put in a movie for her, I rushed to the bathroom and got seriously sick.

I sighed and wiped away the tears in my eyes. Getting sick makes my eyes water. I sighed as I stood up and brushed my teeth.

"Daddy move!" I heard Emma call as she rushed by me and got sick in the toilet.

"Awe babe," I cooed as she finished and plopped down on the floor and began crying.

"It hurts," she cried as I picked her up.

"I know baby, I know. Let's take both medicine's and lay down, okay?" I told her as I walked into the living area and grabbed her medicine on the table. I gave her both medicine's and she drank it down with some of my shake. She drank all of hers.

"What movie do you want to watch love?" I asked as I turned out the light and laid down next to her.

"I don't wanna watch a movie," she spoke quietly.

"Then what do you want to do?" I asked her putting the laptop in my bag.

"I wanna cuddle with you daddy," she mumbled as she looked at me.

I smiled, as I pulled my daughter into my chest and cuddled her close.

"I love you," she whispered to me.

"I love you too sweat pea."


I woke up to my alarm going off. I sigh, as I unlock my phone. I was up all night long sick to my stomach and I fell asleep maybe 20 minutes ago. I sat up and put on my hoodie.

I grabbed my bag and picked up Emma's sleeping body. I grabbed her medicine and I walked out the door. Calum was in the hallway and grabbed her for me.

"How do you feel?" he asked as we got in the elevator.

"Like complete crap to tell you," I spoke as my voice cracked.

"How long did you sleep?" he asked.

"20 minutes. I was getting sick all night long," I told him.

"The drive is about 8 hours, so you need to sleep as much as possible," he said as we walked off and got onto the bus. I wasn't going to argue with that.

Adopted by Luke HemmingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt