🏐A Destined Encounter🏐 {First Meetings}

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Yamaguchi Tadashi

"Yacchan, darling, let me get a good look at you~" You coo adoringly over your tiny girl friend, twirling her about as you hem and haw throughout your inspection, then nod decisively. "Mhmm, just as I thought, management looks good on you~"

"Y-You think so (L/n)-senpai?" The blonde squeaks, swaying dizzily from your ministrations, "I'm still a little nervous about it, to be honest..."

"Absolutely." You wave off her worries and thread your arm with hers, rubbing it soothingly, "And you're nervous about everything, Yacchan, but I know you'll do wonders. My little duckling, growing up." Your free hand clutches dramatically at your ample bosom, "Be still my beating heart~"

"Senpai is embarrassing." She titters shakily as the two of you walk.

"Mmm, kouhai is just too cute when she's shy." Flipping you hair over your shoulder you give off a sparkling simper, "Now, lets go see this team of yours, hmm? I have to make sure my sweet underclassman is being taken good care of!"

"(L/n)-senpai...!" Her token protests wilt when faced with your eagerness and she gives up with an endeared sigh, tugging you in the other direction, "You're going the wrong way, the gym is this way."

"Huh, how do I not already know this?" You reflect idly, "At least I have my dependable kouhai to help a gal out!"


Walking into the gym, your head whips around to look at the building with much more interest than it really needs. It's not anything super impressive really, but the sportiest thing you're ever been involved in were the short instances of activity during P.E. and playing Wii sports when you were younger, so...

"Huh, it's not as smelly as I expected!" Your remark echoes in the spacious area, a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar faces jolting to witness your boisterous entrance.

"Uh..(L/n)-san..?" Ennoshita's face scrunches up in confusion when he recognizes the outspoken girl beside Yachi.

"Ah, Ennoshita-kun!" You wave at the sleepy-eyed brunet, "I didn't know you played! You've just gone up the scale of desirability~"

"Heh...thanks...?" He rubs the back of his head, used to your flirtations but still flustered by your confidence in delivering them. His face pinkens rather cutely and you have the urge to pinch at his cheeks.

Sawamura raises a brow, looking very official in all his captainness- you're very impressed- "Friend of yours, Yachi?"

"Un..." She nods so swiftly it might've sent her sprawling if it weren't for your handle on her, "We went to middle school together."

Giving a flutter of your fingers and a salacious smile, you introduce yourself to the horde of boys with great relish, "(L/n) (F/n), it's so nice to meet you all. I hope I can count on you to watch over my dear Yacchan." Your visage darkens with protectiveness as you deliver your warning, still smiling though now with an edge, "I'd hate for anything to happen to her, you see."

Sawamura endears himself to you by not hesitating to agree, "Of course we will, she's a part of our team now."

Just as quickly as it appeared, your countenance lightens up again, "Wonderful! Glad we're on the same page then!"

Some of the more timid members give a slight shudder at the whiplash, though the freckled cutie in particular garners some fascination from your end. You note to ask Yachi for his name when the members are busy doing.....volleyball stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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